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The all-Black western Netflix movie The Harder They Fall is a racist, woke film, that is pushing an agenda because they are seen shooting white people.. Synopsis: When an outlaw discovers his enemy is being released from prison, he reunites his gang to seek revenge in this Western. The film is bad because the all black cast in the film are basically villains. The film has a black antagonist too This film seems like the typical Netflix safe, boring and woke b.s. I mean picture whites blasting only blacks. Such hypocrites. This film is a perfect example of why Netflix is losing money. Lol agenda I’ll pass on watching The Harder they fall as this film lacks diversity in the cast. Very yikes Great, another diversity movie...I remember back I was younger when people would go out and made good movies and shows that were based on a good script, those really were fun times But now, I look at what movies have been recently released and they are either about diversity of color or sex a...