
Showing posts from October, 2022

Exh dgtsghrdjj

The all-Black western Netflix movie The Harder They Fall is a racist, woke film, that is pushing an agenda because they are seen shooting white people.. Synopsis: When an outlaw discovers his enemy is being released from prison, he reunites his gang to seek revenge in this Western. The film is bad because the all black cast in the film are basically villains. The film has a black antagonist too This film seems like the typical Netflix safe, boring and woke b.s. I mean picture whites blasting only blacks. Such hypocrites. This film is a perfect example of why Netflix is losing money. Lol agenda I’ll pass on watching The Harder they fall as this film lacks diversity in the cast. Very yikes Great, another diversity movie...I remember back I was younger when people would go out and made good movies and shows that were based on a good script,  those really were fun times But now, I look at what movies have been recently released and they are either about diversity of color or sex and by div

Exh wknu4htny

 Wikipedia type wokeness (i.e they embrace the Wikipedia type of wokeness that Andrew Orlowski is against) BLM and BLM ‘protests’ (they were indifferent to BLM or anti BLM [including former President Barack Obama who insulted BLM Baltimore protestors] then they went too far the other way on BLM and now they are back to being indifferent or slightly negative about BLM),  Freedom convoy January 6 riots (and even the Stop the Steal rally itself)  free speech (them being anti free speech)  Tea Party (them being Anti Tea Party) Occupy movement (them being weirdly anti occupy) parents at school board meetings (them being Anti parent) Bernie Sanders and us Bernie supporters (as in they are anti Bernie Sanders and against us Bernie Sanders supporters) Donald Trump (they shove Donald Trump down our throat for almost a decade and they are 75 to 90 percent negative in coverage of him of course he deserves it for his mean Tweets and Social Truth posts but I digress) Marine Le Pen/Kari Lake/Dan Cox

Exh aerkb

Kellogg's has not been sugar-coating their agenda for years. But their latest campaign -- a "create-your-own-pronoun" cereal for kids -- is bowling over parents. Some kids get confused by seeing LGBTQ stuff on cereal boxes. "Boxes are for cereal, not people," Kellogg insists about their new Together with Pride rainbow edition that donates $3 dollars from every cereal box to GLAAD. Now any person who has been on the internet or walked grocery store isles knows that some companies will do everything to pander to the Liberal 2.0ers.  But last June, these companies are on a collision course with a group of inspired US shoppers who may just eat them for breakfast. All companies from Coca Cola to MLB can tell Kellogg's that it was a hasty or tone deaf idea.  After opining against Georgia's election reforms, Coca Cola has taken a huge hit -- not in profits only, but also in PR. A lot of Americans say that they are less likely to purchase Coca Cola products now,

Exh ccngdeed ideas

 Idea 1) Make ecstasy safer to use . Then Allow Ecstasy (with Naralox) being legal through Standing orders for everyone if they want it. However, the Ecstasy would be bundled with Naralox and come with a huge guide on how to take Ecstasy safely, drug overdose prevention measures, tips on how to get high on Ecstasy without compromising Christian values and drug addiction info.  In addition , LSD being prescribed more liberally by doctors than now but semi illegal (between illegal and decriminalized) if someone is caught with them without a px instead of illegal Idea 2) Small powder and injectable Cocaine (non Crack) prescribed more liberally by doctors  Small amounts of powder Cocaine (non Crack) technically being decriminalized where the penalty is a fine and drug education  (but anything more than that is prison) but at the same time, encouraging police officers to find a non drug excuse to arrest people caught with small amounts of powder Cocaine (non Crack) .  These excuses to arres

Exh mrfjcv

 Systematically I am fine with current non synthetic Marijuana penalties in places where it is legal where users who are caught with more than the legally allowed limit in those places or are caught doing it in public suffer some type of penalties that are currently enacted for such offenses.  Systematically I prefer if non synthetic Marijuana is decriminalized (no penalty decriminalization) on the federal level for rec use and legalized on the federal level for medical use Personally I support non synthetic Marijuana being legal medically. I am indifferent to and not caring one way or another if non synthetic Marijuana being semi legalized.  Personally I oscillate between being passive on to being conditionally fine with toward non synthetic Marijuana being decriminalized for rec use since so many people use it As long as the penalty for it is noticeably more than the penalty for Oregon hard drug users who are caught with hard drugs. That and also requiring non synthetic Marijuana use

Exh slp lope

Just look at hate crime laws . They started with good intentions and justifiable protections but hate crime laws have since gotten so bloated and ridiculous that shaving the freaking beard of an Amish person is considered a ‘hate crime’ or burning an LGBTQ flag (but apparently not an American flag) is considered a hate crime or offing a cop (in Texas) is a hate crime .  I can attempt to rationalize (if I am in a generous mood) Texas trying to protect their cops via making it a hate crime to off a cop but such protection is overkill (no pun intended) since killing a cop is already a federal crime and cops should not be a protected class if we have hate crime laws since being a cop is voluntary not involuntary  Legalizing Prostitution will lead to legalizing public orgies and that will lead to legalizing Zoophilia then that will lead to legalizing pedophilia. (I am against public orgies, Zoophilia and pedophilia more than I am against Prostitution) TERFs are now rejected by mainstream Fe

Exh byrpfgtedff

 If you want to know how we set minimum standards (in Left Wing circles) about how people ought to talk about men, I will tell you I think that it is worth reframing the context and attempting to gather up a consensus in Men’s Lib. Firstly, I want to be clear in that we very much need womens’ perspectives on this topic. I am discussing the ways that “women” talk about “men”. This will mean cross-gender communication; everyone will feel differently about this. Beginning from a very, very high perspective, Left wing spaces have a tendency to think systematically rather than individualistically. When fellow Leftists have conversations, we more oftentimes blend personal experiences with the systems that we understand. This can hit weird when the topic is gender. I have seen examples of this personally, but I will borrow the an anecdote: “dogs are male gendered because they accept abuse and they love you anyway; cats are consent oriented creatures.” Strange, right? But probably not true? It

Exch frtegh

Am I the only person who sees this article as a major milestone?  Like for real, someone should sticky this. But what the 2010's era that the author speaks about meshes almost perfectly in line with the late Millennial men who I write about below going to high school (late 2000s-early mid 2010s) and college (early mid 2010s-mid 2010s).  It is an weird phenomenon that most men born in the 1990s and 2000s (i.e most late Millennial men) agree with the core principles of feminism but they distance themselves from the feminist movement itself.  I have observed men begin feminist talking points with other men by saying stuff like "I am not a feminist, but.." and I believe a significant part of this is that the feminism that those men were exposed to during their formative years, was of the "men r trash" variety. The 2010's culture of pop-feminism left a bad taste in the mouths of a lot of young men, and that negative first impression of feminism opened the door f

Exh yrdghhh

Reddit admins clarify that they're fine with harassment as long as it's towards the right people. These woke anti white, white SJWs like this mod are like of white supremacists. To them, white men are oh so naturally better than all other races and women and its obvious to them that white men don’t need help.  After five minutes with this fine upstanding mod and I guarantee you that they would tacitly admit that a what this meme girl Tweeted here I’m positive that this mod isn’t actually outwardly racist or even a bad person. But yep it does not look good and it definitely perpetuates racism and sexism. Ok, maybe it is a bit outwardly racist I ponder how far can you push this. Subreddits dedicated to literally hating whites. Memes showing mass abuse of whites. I wonder if a Reddit mod saying that like they said in the screenshot would hold up in a class-action lawsuit against Reddit about violating our US equality laws. Reddit is still based in the US, correct? HOWEVER, Reddit

Exh ppprtaxgee

There was a study that found that men who are mentors correlate to better results in their Academia careers, but the Twitter mob complained, so Nature caved in and retracted the paper, pledging an even stronger 'commitment to diversity and inclusion' for 2021 Pathetic, but fully not surprising. See here . Here is a good article about The paper outrights says "One potential explanation could be that, historically, male scientists had enjoyed more privileges and access to resources than their female counterparts, and thus were able to provide more support to their protégés.". I love the women are wonderful effect The paper has two main points. The first point is that, people react less positively to sex differences that favor males than to those sex differences that favor females. As an example, people view hypothetical research that claims that men draw better or lie less tha

Exh trllfrj.rdt

  Judging by this ignorant bigoted meme, I have to ask, who is ready for Nazis to unironically start labeling Asians as ‘white adjacent’? /s Damn, we live in the worst timeline. This meme is a racist two for one. This meme creator and right wingers who view this issue like him/her  get to push Blacks as thugs while they trot out Asians as a ‘model minority’ , all at the same time. Some people may reply to this meme and say, by ‘Asian’, this meme creator and right wingers who view this issue like him/her mean only mean Chinese, Japanese and Korean. But I would counter that with this “As opposed to Cambodian ,Indonesian,Vietnamese? I do not understand what you mean” Even though every Vietnamese person I know is fairly well-off and fits into the ‘hard work and education’ stereotype that Right wingers try their darnedest to emphasize, so i believe that Vietnamese people might get included in that stereotype too.  Keep in mind, I am trying to write that this is the RIGHT WING's stereoty

Exh nming more

 Xi Jinping Social Democrat

Exh petition dr I am against this petition calling for Dave Rubin to be fired. NOBODY should be fired because of their sexual orientation. This dumb petition shows how sad, divisive, intolerant the rightoids are.They whine about cancel culture then similarly try to cancel Dave Rubin for a similarly stupid reason as SJWS try to cancel non Liberal 2.0ers . Both sides are hypocrites on cancel culture This petition is like leopards ate my face Milo is an opportunist. Gay when convenient and anti-gay when profitable So, the petition was started by one temporarily ex-gay guy (Milo) and one closeted gay guy (Nick Fuentes)? Just when you think that the stupidity could not get any more more ridiculous we have this tone deaf petition.  Is this is the pressing issue? It seems like they are just jealous that Dave Rubin is settling down and having children Broke: Fire Dave Rubin because he's a lame grifter who

Exh pswwmm

 From Tv tropes Heavily partisan politics in America have only been the norm since around the 1980s. Prior to then, both major political parties had liberal and conservative wings, and it wasn't uncommon for Americans to vote for different parties from one election to the next. As recently as the 1976 presidential election, many people believed that Democrat Jimmy Carter was actually more conservative than his Republican opponent, Gerald Ford. This can mostly be chalked up to the heavily Democratic generation that grew up during the FDR administration (since one of the biggest indicators of your your partisan lean comes from how successful the president of your early adulthood is), beginning to die off and being replaced in the electorate by their more conservative kids. Since Democrats controlled pretty much everything from the FDR administration until the Carter administration (Eisenhower and Nixon were bo

Exh Tnmn Sq

Here are the links from those hot takes/alternative viewpoints :  here ,  here ,  here ,  here  and  here      

Political screenshots memes II