Exh wknu4htny

 Wikipedia type wokeness (i.e they embrace the Wikipedia type of wokeness that Andrew Orlowski is against)

BLM and BLM ‘protests’ (they were indifferent to BLM or anti BLM [including former President Barack Obama who insulted BLM Baltimore protestors] then they went too far the other way on BLM and now they are back to being indifferent or slightly negative about BLM), 

Freedom convoy

January 6 riots (and even the Stop the Steal rally itself) 

free speech (them being anti free speech) 

Tea Party (them being Anti Tea Party)

Occupy movement (them being weirdly anti occupy)

parents at school board meetings (them being Anti parent)

Bernie Sanders and us Bernie supporters (as in they are anti Bernie Sanders and against us Bernie Sanders supporters)

Donald Trump (they shove Donald Trump down our throat for almost a decade and they are 75 to 90 percent negative in coverage of him of course he deserves it for his mean Tweets and Social Truth posts but I digress)

Marine Le Pen/Kari Lake/Dan Cox  FALSELY labeling Marine Le Pen, Kari Lake and Dan Cox as ‘far right’ even though they are right wing and NOT far right

Economics (them being pro Capitalist and Statist, Pro rich and pro social class hierarchy while pretending to support faux socialistic type policies i.e Social fascism to hide their anti progressive) , Communism (as in them being Anti Communist)

Guns (them being anti gun, every shooting, same anti gun rhetoric from every media outlet)


Transgender (as in them being sneakingly hostile to Transgenderism but via opportunism, they pretend they support Transgender people when a moderate or right winger speaks out against Transgenderism, supporting the transgender bathroom law)

Queer (them being against the ‘Don’t say gay’ law, them playing with the lives of LGBTQ people by using LGBTQ as stepping stones or background objects without caring about them to further their careers or companies [to hide their labor abuses] or to make themselves look inclusive leaving LGBTQ open to abuse  when us Leftists truly care about LGBTQ and treat them like humans and act accordingly which naturally shelters them from abuse because we see them as equals not as political pawns)

Abortion (i.e their negative reaction to Roe v Wade being overturned), kids in cages (them exploiting those poor kids by weaponizing them against Donald Trump and Barack Obama, with some Liberal 2.0ers even ignoring that former President Barack Obama and now Joe Biden did the same thing to those kids as 45 did)

Political Institution complex

Wars (as in them being warmongers), Iraq (being pro Iraq and then possibly going too far the other way), Israel (as in being too Zionist and being Anti Palestinian)  Russia-Ukraine, Russia collusion 

Them being Anti Brexit 

Big Tech (in favor of Big Tech not being broken up), Elon Musk (being against Elon Musk buying Twitter and attacking him in hordes in 2022) , Citizens United (in that they support or downplay citizens united), FBI (ignoring FBI abuses and spying) , voter ids (being against voter ids)

Advertisers fleeing Twitter due to Liberal 2.0 pressure to align with anti free speech (oh oh they got an excuse!)

Them being critical of the Kennedy vs Bremerton ruling which ruled in Coach Kennedy’s favor


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