Exh yrdghhh

Reddit admins clarify that they're fine with harassment as long as it's towards the right people.

These woke anti white, white SJWs like this mod are like of white supremacists. To them, white men are oh so naturally better than all other races and women and its obvious to them that white men don’t need help. 

After five minutes with this fine upstanding mod and I guarantee you that they would tacitly admit that a what this meme girl Tweeted here

I’m positive that this mod isn’t actually outwardly racist or even a bad person. But yep it does not look good and it definitely perpetuates racism and sexism. Ok, maybe it is a bit outwardly racist

I ponder how far can you push this. Subreddits dedicated to literally hating whites. Memes showing mass abuse of whites.

I wonder if a Reddit mod saying that like they said in the screenshot would hold up in a class-action lawsuit against Reddit about violating our US equality laws. Reddit is still based in the US, correct?

HOWEVER, Reddit is entitled to have T.O.S that identify marginalized groups as whatever they want those marginalized groups to be. This lawsuit would sadly get thrown out of court

There are a lot of very sensitive people on left wing anti idpol subs who are drawn to stupid flame bait traps

With some clowns!  Redditors shouldn’t have strong opinions about woke Reddit mods since the Reddit mods are really Reddit janitors.

Imagine defending Reddit Power mods like they are just this lame site's corporate bootlickers . Some Reddit mods powerjannie like 50 meta subs and one decided to show up in a left wing anti idpol sub they hate because one foolish left wing anti idpol redditor with a pet cause made the mods that mod do volunteer cleanup and snitch work for appear like dolts. Getting wasted on the smallest bit of power. Power jannies are really something else

Reddit has massive issues

Reddit’s massive issues are growing to be more and more toxic by the week. The only thing that has stopped me from deleting my Reddit account this last month (after the paedogate subredditdrama and one of my favorite subreddits being taken away by the A.H.S subreddit death squad) is that you CANNOT delete your account by mobile. It must be done by desktop. Another small way that Reddit manipulates it's user numbers to sell to marketers.

I wonder if there any real alternative to Reddit that isn’t either deserted or filled with Fascists?

Though with Reddit, I have reached the point where I will take somewhere with lesser activity or even the "Semi Fascists" (let's be clear, how often are they truly Semi Fascists?) seems less bad than a site that knowingly hires people who are involved with paedophiles and allows organized Secret Police to target, harass and delete subreddits that they don't like without any punishment.

How the heck does the mod in the screenshot frequent /r/MensLib (an generally great subreddit imho) and are able to say that Misandry doesn't exist.

I could see why systemic Misandry doesn’t exist...but really on. #KillAllMen is just nice and dandy to that mod then? WTF?

This whole well-thought-out blog post that I made reflects how I feel about this ‘#KillAllMen is just nice and dandy to that mod then? WTF?’ point above and it is a similar point that the mod of this screenshot made to this dupimilar point above

I have seen the woke mod in this screenshot give plenty of well constructed insights on Reddit with my time lurking MensLib, but what this mod wrote in this screenshot is just flat out idiotic.

Anyone who says that r/menslib has ‘huge cuck energy’ is a low person for using that phrase

On /r/MensLib all of their mods are secretly women who are trying to gain more power over the dating market.

But that's /femaledatingstrategy. /Menslib though is all men with two transgender women. 

But that is not reason to not frequent that subreddit, these mods and their heavy-handed moderation is though. 

I have seen way too much great conversations among the reddit users that were interrupted/deleted by the mods because of their own ideological disagreement with the content of the subreddit discussion. It's why subs like that are barely active; I mean, damn, /futurama has more activity than those subreddits and that shows has been off the air for ages.

One of those mods once said that he literally thought men were from Venus and women were from Mars, but literally believed it. He wanted humans to then recolonize those planets ‘again’. That is so based

Another mod on that subreddit said that she burns a photo of Warren Farrell at her shrine to Andrea Dworkin each day.

One of their mods is literally a fool . If some people's dogs have instagrams why not make a pet weasel a subreddit mod?

In all honesty, the OP of this screenshot (not the mod) is a genuine lame o and Legit one of the most offbeat people on Reddit

But why does the mod moderate a subreddit that actually describes Misandry as being non-existent? Unless it is some sort of twisted sort of humor that I'm not getting

But actually it is because the kinds of guys who REALLY want to yell about MISANDRY!!! are, in general, guys like OP in this screenshot (not the mod) OR like every women's subreddit on Reddit

Some true nutjobs who would use the subreddit as a blunt weapon to whine about women who have the audacity to post things on the internet (though  LOL, I think I went too far). 

But frankly, not one person wants to aggressively mod that misandry subreddit, nor does it seem like a bright idea to hand it over to the MRA redditors who would inevitably colonize that subreddit.

The mod in this screenshot was added as a mod there like more than five years ago because of the reactionary modmails he get (again, including from the OP!) are a true source of comedy.

The only dolts on Reddit are the Redditors who mod multiple trash subreddits for free. It is obviously the only control some of them actually have in their lives which is pretty upsetting.

The mod of this screenshot was added there like more than half a decade ago because the reactionary modmails they get (again, including from OP!) are a real source of comedy

The mod in this screenshot was wrongly and ignorantly screamed at by feminist for a whole decade while he was and is feminist friendly as any man who claims to care for women can be. Why is he still a feminist, it doesn't even come close to making any sense? This is an interesting perspective and I am not trolling when I write that.

Though I think the ‘ screamed at by feminist for a whole decade ‘ is not the case, but it still might be an alternate take

Buy from what I see of that mod in the screenshot above, he has put in an extraordinary amount of his time and effort into reddit spaces that are all super friendly to feminism. 

But still being who he is, and him being as charitable as he is to the gender regressive side (aka ‘kill all men’ nonsense), he gets nothing back, everytime he posts something not inline his takes are interpreted in the most negative way they can be interpreted and even his loyalty seems to be questioned for not caring enough about womens issues in feminists’s minds.

But I get that it might be seen for how it works, but practically, it's not very accurate.

There are a lot of crazies on Reddit, including OP of this thread, and people (like the mod) have to just gotta roll with the punches.

It turns out some left wing anti idpol redditors think that white men were the real ‘victims’ all along.

Is the mod in this screenshot serious? He is pretty unhinged . If talking in numbers obviously. Besides, that's the only point he addressed?

The mod in this screenshot might say “LOL, you are the one who is posting stormfront drivel. just accept the L on this debate)

But if the mod said that he would be insane. Statistically using a population metric, whites are a minority worldwide. What is ‘stormfront’ about saying that? The mod of this screenshot would be mental using that stormfront hyperbole smear. Twitter and reddit has melted his brain.. 

People like that mod need to refrain from accusing people of being ‘nazis’ that aren't nazis. It is dishonest and frankly disgusting. Some mods are power jannies so they don't exactly have a functional moral compass.

off topic I forgive the mod of this screenshot for making the poor decision to , while drunk, write things like “I am sorry that happened to you“  on reddit or similar forums (without actually reading the comments they were responding to) to a woman who was expressing regret for herself engaging in sexual activity with her boyfriend when his consent was at best dubious

I should note - and I should not have to write this, really - that I am decidedly anti-rape, and now anti-drunk forum posting.


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