Exh ccngdeed ideas

 Idea 1) Make ecstasy safer to use . Then Allow Ecstasy (with Naralox) being legal through Standing orders for everyone if they want it. However, the Ecstasy would be bundled with Naralox and come with a huge guide on how to take Ecstasy safely, drug overdose prevention measures, tips on how to get high on Ecstasy without compromising Christian values and drug addiction info. 

In addition , LSD being prescribed more liberally by doctors than now but semi illegal (between illegal and decriminalized) if someone is caught with them without a px instead of illegal

Idea 2) Small powder and injectable Cocaine (non Crack) prescribed more liberally by doctors 

Small amounts of powder Cocaine (non Crack) technically being decriminalized where the penalty is a fine and drug education  (but anything more than that is prison) but at the same time, encouraging police officers to find a non drug excuse to arrest people caught with small amounts of powder Cocaine (non Crack) . 

These excuses to arrest those users with small amounts of powder Cocaine (non Crack) users would be for things like 'driving over the speed limit' or a 'messed up tail light' or 'being disrespectful to the officer' etc as opposed to arresting them for having small amounts of powder Cocaine.  All amounts of Crack and Injected Cocaine should be illegal

But incrementally switching to a regular decriminalization of small amounts of powder Cocaine (non Crack) without police officers being allowed find a non drug excuse to arrest people caught with small amounts of powder Cocaine where on a case by case basis it would either be no penalty decriminalization or penalty decriminalization 

Idea 3) Crack becomes decriminalized in all amounts and low level Crack dealers (and people caught with Crack on the 7th time and up) should be subjected to extremely heavy day fines along with a less stringent form of parole (as stringent as bail) instead of prison and decriminalizing synthetic Marijuana for small amounts (anything more than that is intensive supervision probation along with heavy and long term day fines)

Idea 4) Outsourcing Cocaine (injected only) and Crack related crimes from police to drug councilors so Cocaine (injected only) and Crack users are ‘encouraged’ to go drug rehab-drug diversion program instead of prison every time they are caught with Cocaine (injected only) or Crack . In addition to medical Cocaine (non Crack) being prescribed a lot more liberally by doctors and shrinks than it is now  . I believe that might be in the realm of being a decent alternative

Idea 5) Decriminalize brown sugar Heroin (for microscopic amounts way less than the smallest currently legal amount of Marijuana, if they are caught with any amount above that it is prison) where the penalty for the first few times for those small amounts is a huge fine and ‘optional’ drug education

Under this system, the penalty for the 4th time caught and above for those microscopic amounts way less than the smallest currently legal amount of Marijuana is being sentenced to Attendance Centres (as in the UK) for 2 to 5 years as an alternative to prison. In addition to allowing the extremely limited private cultivation of coca (Cocaine) to be legal in the US as in Bolivia. 

Idea 6) Legalizing Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone where they are legally sold just like Codeine is currently sold ie in small doses without a Px along with legalizing Naloxone allowing the private cultivation of coca (Cocaine) being decriminalized (non penalty decriminalization) in the US

Idea 7) Decriminalizing Crystal Meth all amounts with the only penalty being a light fine but the penalty for 7th time and above is Civil Confinement (with 2 week annual holidays at home, marriage allowed, cabins for married users, family stay, equal pay, sending savings to family allowed, no uniform, leg irons or handcuffs, common living, no cells, freedom of movement inside confinement area, awards rewards relief for users, education music and theater for users) for a few years 

This punishment would be fused with Drug Diversion programs. When they are releases they would be on post prison bail for years

Idea 8) Legalize LSD and Crack but have users who are caught doing those 2 drugs be forced to be subjected to Bitlaha (unless they agree to self isolate for months to maybe a fewish years or more ie unless they are mandated to have the same freedoms and lack of freedom for months to maybe a fewish years or more that Americans in the US had or didn't have in 2020 during the lockdowns in which if they agree to this, their Bitlaha is lifted) .      In addition to them being forced to wear a badge of shame that shows they are LSD and Crack users for 10+ years while having some degree of community supervision over them for at least 5 or 8 years.   

My reason is Fentanyl , Cocaine and similar 'Heroin category' drugs are so bad, LSD and Crack look tame by comparison

Idea 9) Cocaine (powder and injectable) and Crack (powder only) being legal for something between medical use and rec use but with high regulation and as a social experiment. If everything goes good with that social experiment, Cocaine (powder and injectable) and Crack (powder only) being decriminalized (non penalty decriminalized) for rec use 


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