Exh slp lope

Just look at hate crime laws . They started with good intentions and justifiable protections but hate crime laws have since gotten so bloated and ridiculous that shaving the freaking beard of an Amish person is considered a ‘hate crime’ or burning an LGBTQ flag (but apparently not an American flag) is considered a hate crime or offing a cop (in Texas) is a hate crime . 

I can attempt to rationalize (if I am in a generous mood) Texas trying to protect their cops via making it a hate crime to off a cop but such protection is overkill (no pun intended) since killing a cop is already a federal crime and cops should not be a protected class if we have hate crime laws since being a cop is voluntary not involuntary 

Legalizing Prostitution will lead to legalizing public orgies and that will lead to legalizing Zoophilia then that will lead to legalizing pedophilia. (I am against public orgies, Zoophilia and pedophilia more than I am against Prostitution)

TERFs are now rejected by mainstream Feminists and smeared as transphobic and bad, then SWERfs and Anti Porn Feminists will WONGLY be rejected by by mainstream Feminists and smeared as bigots and bad. 
In my opinion SWERFs and Anti Porn Feminists are real feminists and not bad, I am a Anti Porn Feminist and I am sort of a SWERF. I am to the left of the majority of r/askfeminist feminists and r/feminism feminists on womens issues but they hide their not so left views online better than I do

Banning Christian coaches from post game on the field prayer will lead to bans on wearing religious people wearing Christian crosses, Burqas or the star of David symbols in public which will lead to bans on people even being able to talk about their religion in public which will lead to the US making Satanism a mandated religion (I support religious freedom)

Banning all guns will lead to banning bows and arrows, which will lead to banning mace and pepper spray (I am way more pro bow and arrows than I am ‘pro gun’. Unlike with guns there is no justification to ban mace and pepper spray)

Pand emic restrictions in schools will lead to CRT being mainstream for kids in schools which leads ever so slightly to Trangenderism/non binary things being taught in schools and drag queens shows for kids being mainstreamed which will leads to this type of food wokeness for kids and teaching masturbation in schools being mainstream 
and god knows where that will lead

Teaching kids in school the CRT/1619 project will lead to kids in school 
being taught those sexist and demeaning white Karen courses which will lead to kids in school 
being taught the type of whiteness courses which WRONGLY say that whiteness is evil or terrorism (just because I am an enemy of whiteness does not mean I will just sit around and allow whiteness to be a pinata for woke people to smash every time something doesn’t go their way, I agree with some parts of Afro Pessimism, Afro Pessimism is more about fighting against anti blackness and less about demonizing whiteness)

Political correctness can lead to words to people not being allowed to say words or phrases  like 
White Christmas, Snow White, black ice, blindspot, grandfathered in, lame, “long time no see” etc 
which will lead to people not being allowed to say words or phrases like “Don’t cry over spilled milk”, “packed like sardines”, “on a wild goose chase”, “walking on egg shells” , “picnic” etc.  
First they ban team names like Redskins, Eskimos, Indians 
that leads to them banning team names like Yankees, Vikings, Fightin Irish, Saints and that leads them to ban things like Cameron Crazies and that leads them to ban team names with animals like Dolphins, Bears, Eagles, Tigers

Banning LGBTQ conversion therapy from a Queer perspective will lead to 
banning former Queer people from who become straight to be recognized by the government and businesses as now being straight 
and from a science perspective will also lead to past life therapy being banned 
which will lead to psycho analysis being banned  . I believe in Reincarnation and I want past life therapy to always be legal , and I would not want Queers who become straight not to be recognized as becoming straight

Being against same sex marriage (which is a wrong view to have) being seen as unacceptable by the masses which will lead to 

being against Transgender rights being seen as unacceptable by the masses which will lead to 
being against kids becoming Transgender being seen as unacceptable by the masses which will lead to being Pro life being seen as unacceptable by the masses , which will lead to 
being against kids going to drag queen shows being seen as unacceptable by the masses, 
being against Canada’s easy to abuse suicide policy being seen as unacceptable by the masses , 
being against hard drugs being legalized being seen as unacceptable by the masses which will lead to being against Prostitution being seen as unacceptable by the masses , 
being against population control being seen as unacceptable by the masses 

Rightfully legalizing same sex marriage lead to rightfully legalizing Transgender rights which will wrongfully lead to Drag Queens being normalized and will wrongfully lead to Prostitution being legalized 

Rightfully legalizing same sex marriage lead to rightfully legalizing Transgender rights which will lead to Marijuana being legalized which will *wrongfully lead to hard drugs being legalized 

Rightfully increasing progressive gender rights, sexual rights and racial rights victories will wrongfully lead to the killallmen /Suzanna Walters type of 2010s anti male Feminism being normalized 

So is the Far Liberal 2.0 (not far Left, there are 3 wings, Far Left, Far Liberal 2.0 and Far Right), better than the Far Left and Hard Right?  Lets take a gander

Sometimes due to my OCD, ADHD and Asperger’s fear that all Liberal 2.0ers believe most of the views below and want to mainstream and normalize these views below:

They wrongly are against Communism (but not Left Anti Communist or Right wing Anti Communist or pro Communist all of which are better than being against Communism the way Liberal 2.0ers are)

They wrongly think class reductionism is bigoted and or they wrongly prefer race reductionism to class reductionism

They are wrongly against class solidarity and some of them wrongly think that class solidarity is bigoted

They wrongly would support that Redditor promoting class solidarity being banned on that subreddit he or she was banned from for saying that

They want to legalize hard drugs (which while noble would piss off anti drug people so shouldn’t be done for at least a few decades) and for the WRONG reasons

They wrongly are against the Just Say No campaign and trying to prevent people from using drugs recreationally

They wrongly want people to be allowed to do Marijuana in airports, theme parks, schools, concerts, jobs, sporting events, malls, basically in all of the places where cigarettes were banned

They wrongly want to add more words that people are not allowed to say like White Christmas, Snow White, black ice, blindspot, grandfathered in, lame, “long time no see”,  “Don’t cry over spilled milk”, “packed like sardines”, “on a wild goose chase”, “walking on egg shells” , “picnic” etc.  
and team names like Yankees, Vikings, Fightin Irish, Saints ,Cameron Crazies Dolphins, Bears, Eagles, Tigers etc

They wrongly want this type of food wokeness to become normalized and mainstreamed for kids and adults.

They wrongly believe that whites eating Mexican food is ‘cultural appropriation’ and ‘racist’

They wrongly want to ban guns and then maybe bows 

They wrongly want to normalize and mainstream hetereophobia and cisphobia

They wrongly use LGBTQ imperialism to force pro LGBTQ values onto other countries

They wrongly want Lesbian erasurecto become normalized and mainstream

They wrongly want the government to abolish the nuclear family instead of the way I want this done

They wrongly want misgendering and deadnaming a criminal offense

They wrongly support the whole pronoun sharing ritual and requirements

They wrongly want to normalize and mainstream the myth that cisgender privelege exists

They wrongly reject Gender voluntarism 

They wrongly want to make it easy for kids to become Transgender. Won’t rightfully support having kids be required to first strike out on their own and be free of their parents and state before they can become Transgender

They wrongly want kids to become drag queens. Expose kids to drag queens

They wrongly want to erase Transsexual people and make Anti Teanssexual behavior normalized and mainstream

They wrongly want to replace clothing sold by sex with gender neutral clothing

They wrongly reject gender abolishment

They wrongly want to teach masturbation to kids in schools in the UK and then in the US

They wrongly want to eventually legalize and mainstream/normalize Zoophilia, Prostitution and public orgies

Like in Canada they wrongly want to coerce people who are not terminally ill to commit suicide to save the country money on taking care of them, as per this or to at least make it easy for non terminal patients to commit suicide

They wrongly want porn and make it widely morally acceptable

They wrongly believe that whites rightfully doing yoga is ‘cultural appropriation’ and ‘racism’ 

They wrongly want to ERASE motherhood with by WRONGLY calling mothers birthers/birthing persons. That’s right MOM, the WOKE governments wrongly want to ERASE YOU by stupidly calling you dehumanizing and impersonal, ‘ birthers/birthing persons’ 

They wrongly want to erase womanhood via gender ‘neutral’ pronouns 

They wrongly want to normalize and mainstream fringe ANTI male Feminism (even though I am sort of anti male, feminists are going too far)

They wrongly want to normalize this toxic, counterproductive , bigoted type of wokeness

They wrongly believe that being pro life is ‘supporting biological terrorism’

They wrongly would believe that a subreddito defending a redditor who was making a pro life argument is a  "tacit misogynist" for defending said pro lifer

They wrongly want to coddle sexist and misogynists instead of rightfully using my methods to destroy patriarchy which naturally will emancipate men from their sexism and misogyny 

They wrongly want to make it harder to destroy patriarchy

They wrongly want casual , on demand late term abortions, third trimester abortions, and partial -live birth abortions to become legal everywhere and morally acceptable

They wrongly do not want to require kids or teens seeking abortions to get permission from at least one adult first

A fringe of Liberal 2.0ers (that Everyday Feminism spoofed) wrongly want white mothers to abort their white babies to ‘end racism’ 

They wrongly think that men peeing in urinals is sexist, and misogynist 

They wrongly to CENSOR Sleeping Beauty being kissed in her sleep by the Prince because Liberal 2.0ers are such horrible killjoys

They wrongly campaign for banning manspreading and shaming manspreaders

They wrongly want the US and other countries to embrace population control

They are wrongly prejudice against whites 

Instead of rightfully embracing Afro Pessimism which rightfully includes heavily downplaying anti whiteness by heavily prioritizing anti anti blackness they wrongly don’t embrace afro pessimism and thus they wrongly don’t heavily downplay anti whiteness by rightfully heavily prioritizing anti anti blackness and they wrongly don’t deconstruct whiteness to be against the bigger picture (as I do in link) instead of wrongly being against whiteness itself

A fringe of Liberal 2.0ers wrongly state that whiteness is evil or terrorism/being white is evil or terrorism

They wrongly support Jungle Cruise going woke in 2021 

They wrongly supporting getting rid of Splash Mountain

They wrongly supported ESKIMO PIE changing its name (Edy’s only did that to PRETEND to supoort BLM and ‘antiracism’ which they privately do not)

They wrongly disagree with my views of Nationalism here

Some fringe Liberal 2.0ers are so lame and dumb they wrongly spew garbage like this mentally disabled troll tweeted in 2020

They wrongly buy into the Neoliberal ‘Antiracist’ rhetoric

They support modern Intersectionality and for mostly the wrong reasons . Modern Intersectionality is a highly questionable 

They wrongly support overkill, buzzfeed idpol

They wrongly want to give animals equal rights to humans and wrongly make demonize specism and to promotethe myth and lie that humans are equal to animals (when in fact humans are better than animals)

They wrongly think that veganism is colonialism and racist

They wrongly believe that its wrong and bigoted for obese people to lose weight to be non obese . They wrongly believe that people who believe its healthier for obese people to not be obese are ‘obese phobes’ and bigoted. See here

They wrongly would support banning that Redditor from that subreddit who rightfully said on askreddit that someone’s BMI that is higher than 30 is obese on said subreddit

They wrongly support the Patriot Act

They wrongly are pro NATO

They wrongly are pro war, warmongers and imperialists

They wrongly hate non interventionalism 

The Liberal 2.0 woke military wrongly USES lgbtq rainbow colors as props by wrongly painting them on drones which they wrongly use to commit illegal murders/imperialism/American Terrorism in non Western countries who they wrongly deem as ‘inferior’ morally to the US

They are wrongly see Patriotism as racist and bigoted

They wrongly support the three letter federal agencies violating human rights as long as the suspects are non Liberal 2.0

They wrongly support the use of torture if the suspect is non Liberal 2.0 

They wrongly think that even healthy non bigoted criticism of Islam (like Quilliam, Maajid Nawaz . EFDawah, Hamza's Den) is ‘Islamaphobic’ or bigoted. They wrongly think its off limits to criticize Islam

They wrongly call Al Qaeda and ISIS ‘militants’ instead of rightfully calling them terrorists

They wrongly want to ban Muslim women from wearing Burqas, Hijabs and Burkinis 

They want to make it a crime to mock the prophet Muhammad which flies in the face of free speech and separation of church and state

They are wrongly against coaches like Coach Joseph Kennedy doing prayers on the field by themself after a sports game and foolishly and wrongly call such acts ‘threats to democracy’, ‘far right christian extremism’, ‘exclusionary’ 

They wrongly think that Anti Zionism is Anti Semitism

They want Israel to be boycotted

They wrongly call Israel an ‘apartheid’ state

They wrongly are against high tariffs and trade wars with China

They wrongly and falsely believe in the tail end risks of climate change instead of rughtfully believing in non tail end climate change

They wrongly support Deep Adaption nonsense like Jem Bernall’s Deep Adaption nonsense

They wrongly want green and eco friendly clothes to be made

They wrongly support climate lockdowns

They are wrongly against Bioregionalism

They are wrongly against wind energy

They wrongly want to put people in prison for years for raising their heat in their homes above 69 F, they want that to be like that in the US too

They wrongly want to ban fireplaces

They wrongly are against Degrowth

They falsely and wrongly believe that enviorenmental racism is real

They wrongly are against sending humans into space

They wrongly are against voters needing ids to vote . They wrongly think that Georgia’s voting act of 2021 is actually ‘Jim Crow 2.0’

They wrongly are to the ‘left’ of me on migration

They wrongly think anti consumerism is bigoted and morally unacceptable

They wrongly support the draconian Orweillian Canada Bill 36.

They wrongly support cancel culture. 

They wrongly want to cancel Aristotle

They wrongly wanted Winston Marshall cancelled for praising Andy Ngo’s book

They wrongly wanted Paul Sperry cancelled for his correct Twitter take on the FBI raid on Donnie Trump’s compound

They wrongly harassed and wrongly tried to cancel Lindsay Ellis for her NON racist and NON bigoted comments on how Raya and the Last Dragon was similar to Avatar Last Air Bender

They would wrongly support Haz Destiny’s bans from Twitch

They would wrongly support cancelling that video game designer from Puerto Rico for his non bad comments on GG

They wrongly support Randi Harper’s draconian, evil, anti human censorship Twitter bot

They wrongly adopt a guilty til proven mindset

They wrongly try to cancel professors who are hard and who push them to do their very best (like Maitland Jones). They blame everyone but theirselves for their problems

They wrongly support an ‘everybody gets a trophy’ culture

They wrongly want teams to no longer use the teamnames : Yankees, Fightin Irish, 
Giants, Cowboys ,Eagles, Bears, Lions, Vikings,Packers , Saints, Bucs, Panthers, Falcons
49ers, Cardinals, Seahawks, Rams, Patriots, Dolphins, Bills, Steelers, Ravens, Bengals, Browns, Texans, Colts, Jaguars, Raiders, Broncos, Chiefs, Knicks, 76ers, Wizards, Heat, Magic, 
Trojans, Steelers, and any team named after an animal , fish type mammal or fish

They wrongly would support subreddits automatically banning redditors who previously posted in subreddits like r/Conservatives, r/stupidpol, r/shitliberalssay , r/chomsky and r/pro life, even if they were posting Liberal 2.0 propaganda talking points

Make celebrating the deaths of non extremists like John Mccain and Orrin Hatch become normalized and mainstream

If you “but those things will never happen”, ask yourself this. In 2002 if I told you that in the early 2020, proto Liberal 2,0ers would eventually make drag queen shows for kids be normalized/mainstreamed, little becoming Transgender, wokeness being mainstreamed, pronoun policing and obsession with pronouns, Hard drugs being decriminalized in Oregon, kids being taught the CRT and 1619 project in schools , Pepe le Pew and Dr Seuess being technically cancelled etc, would you have believed me?


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