Picking up where MLK Jr left off, creating a global image of mankind/womankind that transcends all ethnic/racial, sex/gender religious, dissimilarities and obstacles
Judging by this ignorant bigoted meme, I have to ask, who is ready for Nazis to unironically start labeling Asians as ‘white adjacent’? /s Damn, we live in the worst timeline. This meme is a racist two for one. This meme creator and right wingers who view this issue like him/her get to push Blacks as thugs while they trot out Asians as a ‘model minority’ , all at the same time. Some people may reply to this meme and say, by ‘Asian’, this meme creator and right wingers who view this issue like him/her mean only mean Chinese, Japanese and Korean. But I would counter that with this “As opposed to Cambodian ,Indonesian,Vietnamese? I do not understand what you mean” Even though every Vietnamese person I know is fairly well-off and fits into the ‘hard work and education’ stereotype that Right wingers try their darnedest to emphasize, so i believe that Vietnamese people might get included in that stereotype too. Keep in mind, I am trying to write that this is the RIGHT ...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6m3CzzYSOs&feature=youtu.be Although Lily Alexandre explains it much better than I could ever summarise it, her answer to the question is that “two people can be women for entirely different and non-overlapping reasons”. She doesn’t feel fully satisfied by the idea that one is a woman because one identifies as such because it’s a circular definition and also excludes women who don’t feel strongly about their gender or have never thought about it in those terms (and I suspect the way she says this might be controversial to some, but I really encourage watching the whole video to see her point). However she also finds that any prescriptive definition of “woman” is equally meaningless and is likely to exclude people who are women. The whole point of the question is to control women, and we should be critical of anyone who asks 0:04 Can you provide a definition for the word woman? 0:09 Can I provide a definition? No. I can't. What are women?...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=zRQHZcU9ZqU&feature=emb_logo 0:02 / 0:15 Transcript 0:00 This video is sponsored by Curiosity Stream and Nebula. Gender and sex have been at the centre of public discourse for a few decades now. 0:08 And by the public, I mean gay people, and by discourse, I mean arguing. If you, like me, were unfortunate enough to be assigned online at birth, 0:16 you’ve probably heard the mantra repeated that “gender and sex are different”. That sex is your body, and gender is your brain; or sex is your body, and gender is the way you 0:27 interact with the world. The catchphrase comes from a good place: it's an easy way to explain why gender identity matters, and why we should respect trans people. But honestly… I’m kind 0:37 of over it. This take has been a fixture of the queer discourse for over a decade now, 0:42 and I'm not gonna lie, it’s getti...
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