Edxh xdssd

 This path to our open world would have stronger borders to avoid conflict with and capitalist influence from capitalist countries (A lot of our migrants come from Capitalist or Capitalist adjacent countries). We would inspire other countries to do the same

Strong borders mean less of that bourgeois capitalist conflict and influence (which we get now from mass migration, chain migration, illegal migration etc) as we lay the ground work for and begin to transition from a Capitalist country that sadly treats migrants like second class citizens to a open world

These stronger borders would not be for restricting migration, these stronger borders would be for restricting reverse Neoliberal/Capitalism imperialism and by extension the bourgeois and aristocratic baggage that comes with it (which by doing so will help the legal and illegal migrants who are already living in the US get richer and more equality since the closer we get to an open world the more income equality grows and barriers between classes shrink which can only happen by stronger borders to prevent capitalistic barriers to this transition)  Because to do otherwise is no a bonanza to the type of managerial class people in the bourgeois or aristocratic milieu, who like, say, cheap nannies and so forth. Not so good for workers on the low end.

But during this stronger borders phase, there would be a the Conservative Party UK's Points Based Immigration System along with the US setting up a system of annual temporary citizen exchanges (trading millions of legal American citizens for citizens in other countries a year, especially in North America and Central America) . 

But preferences would be given for high levels of skilled immigration of hopefully eventual citizens (in order to cherry pick the better migrants who suits the needs of and are tailored to the needs of the economy but much less preference for migrants who provide no tangible benefit, or who can't speak any English or Spanish) under this temporary citizen exchange. These temporary citizen exchanges would not delay or hamper our phasing out of capitalism as non stronger borders would

If after temporarily re living in the US after a few years, these temporary citizen exchange migrants in the US Live together assimilate or are bicultural, are not convicted of crimes, terrorism or treason, don’t create chain migration, are ideally patriotic , show minimal knowledge of US history, government and the English language, have a steady job, are in college or the military, they can become permanent citizens of the US if they pay a one time exchange to permanent citizen tax and renounce their citizenship of their previous country to make their permanent residency official

This would be done to create a open world that will be extremely more pro migrant than our current capitalist country with lax or open borders can ever be. A little less migration NOW for MUCH MORE migration in the future 

Think of this like putting a tourniquet on a huge wound to stop the bleeding, here strong borders would stop the bleeding done by the commidifaction and abuses of capitalism , allowing our country to move to become part of an open world at which time the bleeding (ie the cronies of capitalism) will stop and we will be in open world utopia with open borders and as pro of a migrant country as we can have.

This will be all thanks to us transitioning from Capitalism to an open world which cannot be done with the pettiness of capitalism pouring into our country via mass migration, illegal migration and chain migration 

So everything I write above is for the US until we usher in an open world and also because I am being contrarian (being too pro migrant is a mainstream ‘liberal’ view to have, being like I am on migration is contrarian). 

Eventually as Capitalism is phased out and socialism is reigned in, we would relax some of the criteria for settlement,  the criteria for residence and work permits and reestablish legal and safe pathways  podemos

Then I would want the borders of all countries on Earth to be razed together creating an open world (or at worst all countries on Earth who don’t raze their border, implement either the Labour party UK ‘open borders’  or this subreddit’s version of open borders instead). 

Since I am against North Korea and the Soviet bloc forbidding emigration, I have no choice but to be against countries forbidding immigration, even illegal immigration , so I don’t look like a hypocrite

Freedom of movement is a right as history has shown and this would fundamentally fix the bigger issue surrounding migration once and for all (no border world/open world is better than open borders in a few or some countries). After the travel restrictions in the last few years, it is easy to embrace the freedom of movement line of thinking

One way to make the open planet thing work would be to have our planet literally become one country (which would also create an open planet by default) and all 7.5 billion people on Earth could even be incentivized to move to a far away random place on Earth (basically every town and city on Earth would be reshuffled to consist entirely of transplants from dozens to hundreds of random countries on Earth with possibly a very few people native to the area living in said towns/cities) 

All cities and towns on Earth would be rebooted and have the very similar demographics as each other city and town on Earth as is the case in existing countries. Think of this as a real life city town randomizer 

This could mean the Earth would be literally gentrified (ending cultural shock forever) as the whole planet would be culturally and demographically similar (as most states and provinces in existing countries are culturally and demographically similar to other states and provinces in those existing countries.

This is the most unique way to unite Earth and all people on Earth, to be united as the people of Earth in the movie Independence Day were united. 

Like in some Speculative Fiction set in The Future, it might be the natural order of things that all governments will merge together to create a central authority to govern the entire planet.

Some examples of this concept include All the Troubles of the World, Apocalypse film series, Barbarella, Bicentennial Man, The Fifth Element, The Starship Troopers, Space Truckers, The Omega Code, Z.P.G, Babylon 5, Doctor Who: In "Last of the Time Lords", Firefly, the Alliance, Intergalactic, The Orville, The Outer Limits (1995), seaQuest DSV, Star Trek. See this for more

In real life, the United Nations was a possible choice for fulfilling this one planet country to function before the organization was created in the role that it serves today. In fiction, alien planets most of the time have only one government.


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