
The movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs who are afraid of losing their power and control over us so naturally instead of fixing the problem these fascists smear their ideological opponents as extremists

"Democracy is a form of the state, it represents, on the one hand, the organized, systematic use of force against persons; but, on the other hand, it signifies the formal recognition of equality of citizens, the equal right of all to determine the structure of, and to administer, the state." Vladimir Lenin

"‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’

The Fourth Political Theory seeks to go beyond Liberalism not against it (in a peaceful way)

Demonizing radical left wing movements pushing for true positive change have always been opposed by the movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs, like here

Everything this movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs opposes or challenges their archaic views they claim is a 'threat to Democracy'. Well if Left wing policies and a few broken clock right leaning ones that are falsely labeled as 'threats to democracy' are 'undemocratic' maybe Democracy is a bad thing after all 

There is no 'New World Order' but there is a 'real life' version of it, and that is movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs that are against Left wing policies (like anti capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Left Social Democracy, true black emancipation , feminism, anti corruption, anti globalism, anti globalization/alter globalization, gun rights etc)

The groups like the World Economic Forum and Anti Populist Liberal 'Democracy' supremacists are such groups and they are the biggest threat to our freedom . 

This site is propaganda designed to protect their harsh, evil, hierarchical, rich, movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs status quo ideology and flawed liberal 'democracy' system. 

These movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs know that we leftists are a threat to their flawed system so that site is designed to smear us leftists and to make us leftists and 'populists' look worse than them. It is as biased as you can get. That anti populism site is as bias against leftism as Conservapedia and Fox News are biased against Liberalism and leftism

Instead of debating leftist ideas and admitting their system is flawed, the movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs wrongly trash their leftist enemies and deflect. That is by definition anti democratic

The movement , anti populist, elites/PMCswrongly smears us left wingers ('left wing populists') as extremists to delegitimize our opinion so they can continue to run their corrupt, crony bourgeois , elitist, anti egalitarian 'liberal democracy' system without criticism while only making fake, phony and meaningless changes  

You can't make Capitalism better ,you can't make Liberal Democracy better (for the most part see below), it's time for a new system.

These movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs,, they defeated Fascism and Communism so they get to run the world and rewrite history to frame leftists in a bad negative light for self preservation to their evil system

Imagine if these 'extremists' never did what they did and were shut down by the mainstream establishment like the Eurotrashpeon Center for Populism 'Studies'

Malcolm X, MLK Jr, Rosa Luxembourg, The French Enlightenment leftists, USSR in WWII, (1941-1945), the abolishlists of the 19th century US (like Harriet Tubman, *John Brown, Frederick Douglas, etc) , JfK, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders (helped influence Joe Biden to move pragmatically leftward), Nelson Mandela, Subhas Chuba Bose, Fred Hampton, Abraham Lincoln, Lula, Emma Goldman, Gloria Steinhem, Stonewall LGTBQ activists, Jesse Jackson, Huey Long, Charles De Gaulle, ,Jesus (if you are Christian)

Most Americans and people across the world support progressive economic policies and many other policies that the movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs would smear as 'extremist'

See this, this, this and this. Also see this

These movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs even wrongly go after BLM for being 'populists' which includes BLM groups that do good work and help their communities . 

Whatever criticism I have of BLM I do not consider them extremists. They take a radical (left wing, good radical) (though albeit a radlib at times) approach but they are not extremists. As someone who use to be Liberal 1.0 adjacent and almost became a Liberal Republican, I know that many right wing nut jobs would sympathize with BLM if they knew that BLM was wrongly smeared as 'extremists' by the Populism Study group (we need Populist unity)

Hey movement , anti populist, elites/PMCs, if you mainstream establishments don't want us 'populists' to push you leftward to make our world better, free etc then maybe ya'll should look inward and self critique yourselves and learn to fix your mistakes (like using this method)

This Populism studies site even admits that the mainstream establishment (i.e liberal 'democracy') has failed people but instead of embracing ideas from so called 'populists' to consider left wing solutions (like Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Mutualism, Left Social Democracy) they trash those alternatives while pretending if they mainstream establishment anti populists continue to 'fix' their flawed liberal democracy system it will magically 'get better'.  

That is bull, it is as flawed as Ronald Reagan's voodoo economics. 

Also see herehere

Remember Capitalism is a right wing ideology and when wokeness is added in it is center right at best. Right wingers love Capitalism so that is a red flag that we should reject Capitalism

Populism is only extreme if the people use violence or harbor anti government sentiment. Otherwise it is not extremism. It is radical in that it calls for the system to be shaken up

* John Brown's populism was almost counter productive according to Frederick Douglas


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