
Showing posts from April, 2023

thank exh focuss

"One facet of my entire timespan on Earth has been a slow unfolding of understanding of all the different ways intelligence can be constituted"  Some bipoc may struggle academically if : They are pushed to get the answer correct than to understand concepts and reasoning Independent practice is valued over teamwork or collaboration. Students are tracked (into courses/pathways and within the classroom). Curriculum developers and teachers enculturated in the USA teach mathematics the way they learned it without critical reflection. Preconceived expectations are steeped in the dominant culture. Mistakes are addressed as failure rather than as opportunities to learn. Control of classrooms is valued over student's agnecy over their learning. Math is taught in a linear fashion and skills are taught sequentially, without consideration of prerequisite knowledge. Superficial curriculum changes are offered in place of culturally relevant pedagogy and practice. Only content standards

Left egalreiei exh

I agree with Kathryn Paige Harden and her hereditarian left movement (as mentioned  here ) In particular I support reconciling the findings of her field with commitments to social justice. Harden says that genetic research on human individual differences is compatible with progressive and egalitarian social goals "The first thing that social-science genomics can do is help researchers control for confounding genetic variables that are almost universally overlooked. As Harden puts it in her book, “Genetic data gets one source of human differences out of the way, so that the environment is easier to see.”  "For example, beginning in 2002, the federal government spent almost a billion dollars on something called the Healthy Marriage Initiative, which sought to reduce marital conflict as a way of combatting poverty and juvenile crime. Harden was not surprised to hear that the policy had no discernible effect.  Her own research showed that, when identical-twin sisters have marriag

Sap powweoewio

 Sex Is Power  from here In her famous work, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape, Susan Brownmiller made the critical observation that rape is an act of power. She used this observation to draw a line between sex and rape, one widely referenced in feminist discourse, most simply summed up in her assertion that: … rape is a deliberate distortion of the primal act of sexual intercourse – male joining with female in mutual consent… – Brownmiller, Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape (Ballantine Books, 1993), p369 Note the description of intercourse as definitively consensual. Intercourse is consensual and nice. Rape is not. This can be seen earlier in the book where Brownmiller first quotes the Freudian psychiatrist, Dr. Guttmacher: Apparently, sexually well-adjusted youths have in one night… committed rape… Ibid., p178 Brownmiller continues: [Guttmacher’s] chilling passing observation that rapists might be sexually well-adjusted youths was a reflection of his Freudian belief in the su

Anti male suprr

Male Supremacy Structures Sexuality  from here Radical feminists believe that male supremacy – a belief in and a condition of the supremacy of men over women, codified in part as ‘gender’ – is and always has been fundamental to the society in which we live. As such, it should be no surprise that societally approved sexualities are male-supremacist. In Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law, MacKinnon defines a relation between gender and sexuality as follows: Stopped as an attribute of a person, sex inequality takes the form of gender; moving as a relation between people, it takes the form of sexuality. Gender emerges as the congealed form of the sexualization of inequality between men and women. For this essay, the key phrase is ‘sexualization of inequality’: the cultural value which holds that the unequal power dynamics between women and men are hot. In case this sounds satirical, let me be clear: I believe that most if not all of us are to some extent trapped within this dy

Cure badness pol

 Ilhan Omar @IlhanMN Feb 10, 2021 "It’s not “economic anxiety” it’s anxiety over losing “status and power” that’s fueling Right wing extremism.  There is a white supremacy radicalism in our society and we can’t afford to dismiss or normalize it.…" My reply: i mean it could be both, but obviously the economic anxiety (no quotations needed) plays a far greater role.

El Nordicaa

 1990s Nordic Social Democracy,  which runs tight budgets and are generally very concerned with keeping debt low and running budget surpluses.

Base deepepepe

I also support Deep Organizing, see  here ,  here ,  here ,  here ,  here  and  here  also  see here  for background and how to do that . Also see  this post  for tangible steps we can take toward building a better tomorrow.  This post  is  primer on political strategy, which uses the great example of MLK Jr and African Americans during the Civil Rights movement (and a less SJW way to boycott too) Also something  like this   Since an America socialistic Revolution is very likely not happening within the near future, I tepidly give extremely cautious and unenthused support to some Squad members who are populists (like AOC unironically) AOC and her Squad populists literally can’t enact our Left wing policies /non Liberal 2.0 policies herself themselves since AOC and her populist Squadron are working in a system stacked against NON Liberal 2.0ers (AOC teeters on Liberal 2.0 and non Liberal 2.0 left).  I realize that Republicans and corporate Democrats are far worse on imperialism than pro

Libby need Helpie melpie

Scratch a Fascist and a Liberal 2.0 bleeds From Haz "The proto liberals 2.0s/liberal 2.0s and na.zis have always been allies. They projected their own filth and sickness onto honest working Americans. Pagans, nihilists, degenerates. The working people of America will defeat this anti human scum. The Democratic Party is the party of Naughtzism" My reply to Haz: People will side with those that have similar goals. Liberal 2.0ers and fascists both don't want a socialist revolution and will side with each other to fight one. Liberal 2.0ers and socialists both don't want a fascist revolution and will side with each other to fight one. The problem is that unlike socialism, fascism is willing and capable to infiltrate a liberal 2.0 society without doing a revolution, meaning that liberal 2.0ers will only effectively start opposing it when it's already too late and will stop leftists from meaningfully oppose it, because it would mean attacking the liberal society. A lot o

Who me libbbbby

Conservative Liberals ,  Bleeding Heart   Libertarians ,  Democratic Capitalism , Keynesian economics (only if it replaces neoliberalism and only neo Keynesian/post Keynesian and or if used  this way ) Syrzia alter Neoliberalism ,  Hayakian 'Neoliberalism' ,  Milton Friedman economics  (at its most leftward, heredox OR normal Milton Friedman economics when used for  Left Acceleration ) Reasonable Liberal   2.0ers  (including the r/AskALiberal subreddit),  Liberal 1.0ers  (search article for "Liberal 1.0),  Omni   liber alism ,  Classical Liberalism Liberal Progressivism and Socialist Progressivism . Even though I am accepting of Liberal Progressivism, I do so prudently and with wary caution I feel that Socialist Progressivism is the best form (and ideal form) of Progressivism   Anti Neoliberal (Post Neoliberal) ,

rw woekewwen

Seeing how much the "Liberal 2.0" discourse in the US  aligns with ethno nationalists  in Europe has constantly has been a point of weirdness to me. You get these people who are shouting calling themselves Liberal 2.0, and who talk way too similar to some European neo-naughtzies. The populist hard right types love this small shell game because they can claim to be defending their culture instead of a concept of racial purity. Richard Spencer does this b.s. But so do more mainstream nativist sorts like Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen. There are some vile little right-wing trolls that are pushing for a return of biological race science but I believe they'll be marginal on the right long-term. The lame Liberal 2.0 essentialists of liberal 2.0 academia's sociology and humanities departments have already handed the right the intellectual tools it needs to rationalize the abuse of otherized populations.