What is Sex? What is Gender?


Sex is state of being male or female (or Intersex/XXY, XXY or XXXY if we want to be real technical), which each have relatively distinct, biological differences but who are unique (in their own way) compatible , most obviously for sexual reproduction. Distinct from gender, sex is unfettered and unchanged (except technically through sex reassignment surgery to become Transsexual [sorry for being nitpicky] and in the future unquestionably); by any one culture or society's beliefs on the differences between men and women.


The collection of cultural and social behaviors, expectations, roles, and statuses that have been bestowed upon men and women that starts often before birth and continues throughout life, even beyond death. At least somewhat distinct from biological sex, gender is a social construct (i.e Gender Voluntarism). 

In a patriarchy, gender is a hierarchy and serves to naturalize and justify male domination of women (hence why I am wary to Transgenderism and pitiful of TERFs). So we must abolish patriarchy,  gender and gender binary eventually using the Queer Theory, Anarchism (like Anarcha Feminism and Queer Anarchism), Gender Acceleration, Postgenderism etc to free women, Transgender people , non binary people etc

What is a woman?

See here

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