I do not support gender-critical feminism, in part because gender-critical feminism is idpol (see here for instance)

I think that Terfs are the ones with the fetish, and I touch on this here (where I talk about in particular the Terf subreddit PinkPillFeminism) and here (where I go after terfs more broadly)

If Radfem ‘Gender critical’ TERFs don’t believe that Transgender men are really men and thus are to them ‘Trans identified Females’ why don’t TERFs fight for those ‘Trans identified Females’  rights to have equality, protection and freedom and to let those ‘Trans identified Females’ into their Radfem movement (since in Radfem ‘Gender critical’ TERFs minds, ‘Trans identified Females’  are still women since to Radfem ‘Gender critical’ TERFs, people can’t change genders). See this post

This blog post by me is inspired by the r/GenderCynical subreddit and forwardsfromklandma , I decided to do my own cyncialism and mocking of the GenderCritical subreddit and Ovarit in blog post form here.  

Me not mocking, criticizing or replying to a GC quoted copypasta is in no way an endorsement of said post. I will eventually add more critiques and refutes to said GC copypasta posts . 

Unless otherwise noted these views below are the views of the GC redditors and Ovarit posters, and not my own views. I am pro Trans and as such, its my duty to criticize and refute the GC trolls on reddit and ovarit, but here since I don’t feed trolls

Based of off this post and similar ones by the gendercritical subreddit women:

The gendercritical subreddit women are messed up in the head

Most of the gendercritical subreddit people appear to be profoundly wounded and neurotic, in a permanent crisis regarding their relation to the social world.

Of course for gendercritical subreddit women ,being neuroses would be an improvement for them. They are pathological narcissists

But since, some gendercritical subreddit women, like all women are marginalized and victims of abuse by men I can see why the gendercritical subreddit women would have mental issues due to that marginalization and abuse. So I came off  sweetly and stupidly myopic on the subject above. (though the gendercritical subreddit women still sound retarded with posts in that subreddit)

Ironically these gendercritical subreddit people are pretty suited for convent life, despite how they all likely consider that religion an evil patriarchal tool.

The gendercritical subreddit women were born with d*ck in their brain

Again maybe I just don't understand, because I am a man and thus I need to acknowledge that almost literally every woman has been repeatedly abused by men thus excusing the gendercritical subreddit’s women’s weird posts.

One gendercritical subreddit said that adult male sexual interest in her peaked when she was a preteen  (though she admitted that she still is harassed, abused, etc even in her 30s) and she related a story about her young female children relatives being stared at by adult perverts men all the time (with said perverts men ignoring the adult females in the vicinity) - and young schoolgirls on the train. (though  the “men hungrily staring at children” part might be a delusional take. that is clearly rooted deep in misconceptions about society, to say the least)

So maybe things like that is why gendercritical subreddit women are deeply disgusted by and cynical about men

Maybe the gendercritical subreddit women are not fucked up in the head. Maybe they are merely reacting to men who are fucked in the head (which is true men are fucked in the head).

Though that is still no excuse for gendercritical subreddit women to utilize women’s experiences of sexual abuse at the hands of men to justify their stupid posts like how male children shouldn’t be born (or at least refuse to see their more extreme posts as utter depravity)? 

It is true that male violence towards women is real - obviously. But that doesn’t excuse the more unhinged and neurotic ideas that gendercritical subreddit women spew like how male children shouldn’t be born

However some women (like the gendercritical subreddit women) have been so very harmed by men that they don't want anything more to do with men, which includes not wanting to give birth to them. Though while some gendercritical subreddit women tend to have sympathy for women harmed in such a way, some of them finds that position is extreme

The experience of the gendercritical subreddit women that I posted above (albeit a point she and other gendercritical subreddit women often make in a ridiculously hyperbolic ways) are very real problems, and the solutions to these problems are really difficult and can take decades or centuries, but change is certainly possible-probable. 

Domestic abuse within marriages since the 1960s has been rightfully viewed as evil. Giving up and just hating and fearing everybody around and laser focusing on all real or imagined slight in the life of the gendercritical subreddit woman I mentioned above isn't gonna change anything, it's just going to make her and similar gendercritical subreddit women tormented.

I'm going to counterpoint above, I don't think any of these things mentioned by that above particular  gendercritical subreddit women "very real problems" in the Western world as much as he says, which is most likely where /u/12345thrw and the other privileged lame cronies on /r/GenderCritical subreddit are from because women in real third world countries that suffer problems in the ballpark of these claims are likely not hanging out on reddit. 

These are mostly very high exaggerations from gendercritical subreddit women like 12345thrw with mental health issues that have dug to the core of feminist ideology and use that core stuff to justify all of their failings/shortcomings in their TERF lives

gendercritical subreddit women like 12345thrw appear to have assumed the role of treemail of *all the pain* that *all* of the planet is throwing at TERFs like her. 

Is that why she and other gendercritical subreddit women thinks it's a okay to strip their brains of all filters and restraint and to take this aggressive stand of desiring a full category of people to not exist 

That is not good in any context. And 12345thrw needs help, not reddit karma. 

So hats off to the gold awarding reddit alien that does not get that she purposely stoking the pain, to deliver this performance on the gendercritical subreddit and similar terf subreddits,on social platforms etc, when she may really need better peers and caretakers in her real life . I am sorry her experience -at least how she tells-has been bad, i hope she gets better and stops being triggered each time that some one has a tough day and instead helps them out of it in good way ,rather than rant the problem into oblivion.

But maybe she doesn’t break down every time someone has a tough day

I don’t like the retarded comment saying that adoption is human trafficking

But there are many cases where that is true. Especially with kids from foreign countries, but even in the US too

Regardless the fact is that adoption as an industry which is poorly regulated and not very transparent. That alone should be a cause of concern about what is actually happening with adoption.

I'm sure this is a big issue but that is no excuse for all the gendercritical subreddit flailing moralistic doublespeak that is infesting their public discourse.

Though adoption is still adoption, and human trafficking is still human trafficking. If the point was that adoption is commonly used as a shield for human trafficking then a person could state that as such rather than to say that adoption is human trafficking (what is next: war is peace? freedom is subordination? speech is censorship?)

And, adoption is a moral good.

But adoption system, like so many human systems, is not good. We do not as a society make sure that the adoption system lives up to the virtue that is inherent with adoption. 

When the system is cronyish, it corrupts and is reflective of the corruption of all people who participates within it. 

But at the end of the day, everyone is let off the hook for its negatives because they were all "without power" to confront this reality. 

This is what liberalism 2.0 breeds, and it's the reason that we are all gloom and doomed under industrial capitalism. 

Because any person who tries to reform it and fight these injustices are deemed to be ruining it for everyone else who are participating in whatever cronyish system, since it works "good enough" even though it is salted with several of the worst crimes and criminality one can imagine.

​It's really insane. And then we have people who casually defend the system because what is of the upmost important to such system defenders is splitting hairs as opposed to looking at the system in its entirety. 

Because such people are not willing to see it for what it truly is, which is abuse, cruelty, brutality and exploitation to the depths of hell, because that challenges such peoples fantasy of the goodness and virtue of this one act.

Or maybe, adoption is a moral neutral,  as a concept, is virtually independent of the current system.

This though might not be about splitting hairs: doublespeak is a real issue that does nothing at all to solve anything; but does in fact the opposite of that. 

We don't get to muddy the waters and gaslight all because we are pointing at a-terrible-thing™. 

If there is a problem with the current system then we need to be clear, direct and exact - and not to twist words to say the opposite.

So to sum it up , whatever the heck evil schemes the US have about baby adoption is after all,  adoption and human trafficking is after all human trafficking. 

Words do matter and political vagueness is a communication disease. Yelling hot takes like "adoption is human trafficking" puts people who say that on 45 territory.

I do hold basically Radical Feminist ideas on material analysis, sex work/prostitution, gender roles, etc, I lack the mind bandwidth to grasp that “TERFs” and “dirtbag leftists” agree with me enough to support said TERFs and dirtbag leftists

Gendercritical subreddit women will faces new problems when climate change worsens. If we don’t embrace a class first politics approach that is able to overthrow capitalism and saving advanced civilization they and all of us on Earth are doomed.

I don't believe that Gendercritical subreddit women would be helped by climate change destroying our planet.

Gendercritical subreddit women are basically Femcels BTFO.

Sometimes TERFs show up and they act all reasonable (though I X Doubt that), saying they have rationalized critiques of the trans movement and the effect that it has on feminism. 

It's debatable to some degree, biological women may in their own vague way be noticeably different, they have non identical life experiences, biology that is differentish etc. 

However now you go to the archives of r/gendercritical and it's just stock full of people going out of their way to misgender transgender women, calling transgender women insults I refuse to post here that to them will never pass (but every part of politics are sexual pathology sniff. Goes double for anti-transgender people than it does for transgender people), claiming that Trans people are all sexist/misogynistic and kink/bdsm obsessed insult word (ha, that argument is ridiculous. It is a stereotype at best).

trying to become their own sexual fantasies, etc.. Those gendercritical reddit posts are, truly odd galaxy minded b.s. 

All the measured criticisms that those Terfs present to the outsiders fades away and then you are left with this strange "Incels, but women!" hells-cape.

I believe that reddit’s trans community has reinforced the harmful stereotype that trans women may tend to be sex obsessed and don't pass.

Here's the real s*it post. generally Redditors are insufferable weirdies and sadly trans redditors are still redditors and thus fall into the same trap

Reddit is a pretty large website that's really mainstream these days, whether that is good or bad is up for debate

Where am I able to find for a more balanced view of transgender people? Susan's Place? Substack? Somewhere the internet?

I read the gendercritical subreddit to get a handle of what a jaded-beyond-hope TERF is like (I am masochist), and what insecurities they display. But, like I don’t go there for politics at all.

I dunno. As a man I think it’s It is somewhat insightful to read the gendercritical subreddit to see the place where the worst experiences can lead TERFs. I feel maybe if I was a woman TERF I’d try and do the same thing the other way to get a handle on the same thing.

My reactions to posts on r/gendercritical , I respect the diversity of viewpoints 

“This is my first post here, so I would like to apologize in advance if I offend anyone here and I have absolutely no problem with people choosing to identify in any way they wish. 

What I do have a problem with is that many LGBTQ and trans rights activists love to push the idea that transgender women are the same as biological women. Newsflash: no, they are absolutely not. 

Trans women can't get pregnant (though in the future they might be able to which would at least be enough to quell these concerns over trans people having babies). Trans women can't menstruate. They don't have a vagina. They don't have ovaries. They don't have a cervix. They don't have a uterus. 

They don't have XX chromosomes (16k biological males in the US do/Chromosomes don’t define people/Transgender people appeal to intersex conditions, You never truly know a person's chromosomes). 

These are all primary gender characteristics associated with women on a scientific level. I'm sure I will get called transphobic for saying this, but it is the scientific truth. 

I am not saying that trans issues are not legitimate (well that’s a first step to realizing that fighting for trans rights is legitimate) but what I am saying is that they shouldn't always encroach themselves into women's spaces. 

What brought this on for me is somewhere between people like Jessica Yaniv, Gamestop Tiffany, and others feeling entitled to enter women's spaces just because they say they are trans (well no trans woman was ever banned from entering women’s spaces until the 21st century via punitive and unneeded anti trans laws) . 

Furthermore, the pad brand, Always, has started becoming more gender inclusive to appease trans women when they biologically cannot menstruate.

This isn’t about us thinking that we’re better than other people. This is about us being safe and having our own spaces. We have a right to this. We have been oppressed by males for literally thousands of years (that part I agree with and is why I am part RadFem myself). Let us alone (minor nitpick, its ‘leave us aline’, not ‘let us alone’. I was a B /A student in Language Arts in elementary school).

This is just what men like have always done to control women: call us a "b****" so we feel like shit about ourselves, and worry deeply that we made someone unhappy. All this nonsense from perverted, pedophilic men calling us TERF and transphobe is just "bitch" for modern times.

LET. IT. GO. We don't have to keep these jerks happy, and we REALLY don't have to care about the labels they give us. (well labels are meaningless)

I have seen many posts here from women who are seriously worried because someone called them a transphobe. My response to that is this: yes, I am afraid of TIMs (maybe if you were inclusive toward them and spent time around them you would get over your irrational fear and no longer be ignorant or a hater). 

I am fearful of any man who wants to be in the women's bathroom or locker room.(then go to the bathroom at home before you go out in public) 

It used to be a given that a man who did that was a pervert, and absolutely nothing has changed except now they come into our spaces with womanface on. I am fearful for my very life over this. Of course I am fucking phobic right now!

30 points 7 hours ago 

Trans women are men. You can say that here. That's what we are all saying and we are called hateful bigots for acknowledging biological fact (to quote Contrapoints “bigotry is not always just hate, which makes it hard to recognize)

They are men (no they are whatever they want to be, we are all huMAN and a product of mother nature). They have male bodies. They are not women and never can be because being a woman is a material reality, not a feeling.(I guess this TERF never heard of the Bee Gees song ‘More than a Woman’. ——

But let us not forget Simone de Beauvoir’s notable statement that “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.” On the “gender critical” worldview a person is born a woman in virtue of their reproductive capacities. On an actual gender critical worldview, we can acknowledge that a trans man is a man because of the identification processes that is critical to his authentic self-becoming.)

Always, has started becoming more gender inclusive to appease trans women when they biologically cannot menstruate.

I think it was actually "trans men" (TIFs) doing that because the Venus Symbol is synonymous with 'Female'. (The symbol for Gender critical radfem Terfs is Mercury since they are mercury poisoning the feminist movement)

Anyway, don't worry about "offending" anybody (except other Gender Critical radfem TERFs if you call them out on their transphobia), it's not some safe-space where you have to appease everybody's ridiculous ideas (except appeasing Gender Critical radfem TERF fantasies).

I have absolutely no problem with people choosing to identify in any way they wish (good, stop being a TERF and accept TIM as Transgender women and TIF as Transgender men).

This is something you should get over, hopefully you'll figure out why for yourself, and it looks like you're actually half way there already. 

You understand that it's ridiculous for a Male to "identify" as a Female - the same logic carries over to a Man "identifying" as a Woman, or a 40 year old "identifying" as a 6 year old, or a white guy "identifying" as black.(umm. actually…, guess who complains about Transracial people identifying as another race? you guessed it, Transgender people, and no Transgender people are not hypocrites for those complaints)

Some things are just an immutable part of our existence that we can't "identify" out of, no matter how hard we try - the idea that you're supposed to "respect" everybody's made-up identities, no matter how absurd, is unproductive and impractical at best (geee, I guess being an actor or actress is wrong in this Terf redditor’s mind).

Yeah, it's men who call us "girls." TIMs are always telling people they're a "girl" instead of a "woman," (where does womxn play into this?) and when they change their name, they change their name usually to something babyish like Britney (well some change their name to Brittany too ya know) or Amy.(Britney Spears has a song, called If U Seek Amy, this poster must have had that song in their head writing this)

They are minor attracted people fetishing Catholic school girls, teens, and little kids. Being "educated". It got worse and worse. (Good to see LGBTQ people embracing religion /s, btw cisgender people are more likely to be attracted to minors than Transgender people likely to be attracted to minors)

I think I finally broke when a close friend of mine (female handmaiden) said the harassment was okay if the woman ("TERF") "deserved it". 

No true human rights movement is saying women deserve to be harassed. I don't give a heck, the woman could be the most hateful woman on Earth (GC radfem TERFs usually are), you're not a true feminist if you believe that all a woman has to do to be harassed is have the "wrong opinions". 

So this is why were they so obsessed with threatening harassment against women for wrongthink anyway, when the cause of harassment (like violence) against TW is men?

Early when I was starting to peak I had a lot of arguments with TRAs on twitter ,which eventually lead to my suspension (Twitter suspends everyone though, literally even millions of robot accounts), they always pointed out that TERFs fear of TIMs is irrational because TIMs are not the same as other men, they are women. Lol. They are men and it's perfectly rational (rationality is a white Eurocentric concept , so try again).

I'll never trust a woman that tells other women we need to put our guard down after being harassed and abused by men.

Right? Once you have experienced that trauma from men, you know that you need your guard up. Friends, family, romantic partners...all kinds of men have hurt women. Opening your heart to them indiscriminately is not a thing any sane person would suggest.(my reply: All I have to Give by BSBS)

By forcing nearly every major and minor left wing (Liberal 2.0) party and politician to have insane policies like allowing underage children to be put on hormones and receive surgeries (well there you may have a point), allowing men(Including male rapists) in sensitive women's spaces and legislations that limit free speech with regards Trans Ideology (again you have a point on free speech), they inevitably lose voters

I mean literally no one with any common sense would vote for them, even the majority of handmaiden libfems would be cautious to vote 

Nope I disagree , most conservative dudes I have seen frown upon other men showing even a hint of feminine things . Terms like ‘man up’ , don’t act like a girl are a go to language between them .

The TIMs don’t belong to particular ideology , 90% of them are formed due to AGP or an intense desire to coerce women spaces like toilets which is again a fetish (toilet fetish?, never heard of that before is that like a diaper fetish?)  . You can find equal nutjobs transitioning from right or from left , it’s just that TIMs support left because they left panders to them .

Well I mean that would describe most HSST, according to Blanchard most Homosexual Transsexuals are from often social spaces rife with Toxic Masculinity and Homophobia So lower class black, White and Hispanic communities

Interesting that they basically admit they're not "valid" unless there's something wrong with their sexual development (non transphobic, maybe decent point). Because a male who has problems in their sexual development is more woman than a normal bloke?? Women are not weak men, or sick men, or men with dsd FFS.

Also how disturbing is it that healthy males are jealous of people with disorders of sexual development??????

Having an external / objective cause for their sexual depravity in their minds justifies indulging it. Men can cheat because men didn’t evolve to be monogamous. Men can have sex with teen girls because men evolved to mate with girls at their “peak fertility.” 

Men can pretend to be women and masturbate in the women’s toilets because they have female brains. 

Men can create and use porn because a statue of a prehistoric nude female figure was found (I am also anti porn, so base point). Men can pay to rape women because prostitution is the oldest profession and some women just love having sex with multiple strangers per day (good point about sex work) 

Every man should own a woman because marriage civilizes men and keeps society stable. The excuses never stop. That male sexuality is a problem that must be solved without the use of women as toys, props and punching bags is never considered (well I can see why she sees it this way, at the very least).

The alt right has been successful in pushing the anti Semitic idea of ‘cultural Marxism’ which is a close to Marxism as social Darwinism is to Darwin’s actual theory of natural selection (ie pretty much nothing).

It doesn’t help that some people loudly proclaim they’re Marxist/communist and then go on to support the most neoliberal and bourgeois concepts ,like legalized prostitution and individual trans rates at the expense of class based rights of women (I never thought of it that way, no surprise though neoliberalism and the bourgeois are evil and we must defeat neoliberalism and abolish classes and the bourgeois). I’m not a communist but I get annoyed at people who spread misinformation and nonsense.

If men who impersonate women fear male violence in male-only spaces then the issue doesn't concern women at all. If this is an actual problem then men need to handle 100% of it.

The obvious solution is to get men to accept GNC men yet TIMs don't push for that beyond attempting to justify rape by deception. Their "solution" is instead to put women at risk by intruding upon their single-sex spaces.

They don't actually want to change men's behavior. They just want to obliterate everyone's boundaries so they can perv about with impunity.

Men can't possibly be expected to deal with their own.

Yes they can. We don't allow men to oust gay men from men's spaces. We don't allow men to oust divorced men, men with prison records, men of certain religions, etc. so throw men with sexual fetishes on that list.

It is not on me to accommodate ANY kind of man. (well men and their men’s spaces should be more inclusive to women, including Transgender women)

STOP using this incorrect bullshit term "transgender" -- male sexual fetishist. Keep the word MALE. Keep the word FETISH. (there is nothing wrong with having a fetish, I have a few fetishes myself)

Someone just noted that males have slowly tolerated accepted homosexual men to be in male spaces over the past 40 years, so surely they can do the same for trans identified males.(again, men and their men’s spaces should be more inclusive to women, including Transgender women)

But that poster is missing the point. It’s not other males kicking TIMs out so the TIMs have no other place to go this women need to take them in. If TIMs wanted to use male spaces, then they would be fighting for that. They want to use women’s spaces precisely because they are women’s spaces

Tbh, I’m sorry, I understand there are HSTS men and I feel badly that their internalized homophobia and gender dysphoria have caused them suffering throughout their lives (well at least this GC radfem Terf has empathy, BASE), however, it seems like cross-dressing/pretending to be the opposite sex should not be accepted by society at all (oh well that empathy didn’t last long, did it?). I mean the vast majority of these men are fetishists (including myself) and I don’t think they should be openly accepted in men’s or women’s facilities. We as a society don’t condone walking around in bondage gear or other fetishized getups so why this?

I think there’s room for more fun and variety to men’s appearances, but I agree, keep your fetish in the bedroom

And it’s not about them. It’s about us.

We don’t demand that members of a religion “accommodate” non-members. I’m not going to go into an Otho dox Jewish synagogue, and complain that, as some one who is not Jewish with an uncovered head, the people there aren’t accepting of me.(they would be accepting of you, they don’t exclude non Jews from their spaces)

As a white person, I’m not going to whine about how the local NAACP chapter isn’t letting me in, and demand the law change (unless your David Duke which to some TRA you are a stonestoss away from being like).

For a woman’s organization, restroom, changing room to exist, it is for women. It is for us to decide who will be in there and who will not be in there (who made GC radfem TERFs bathroom monitors? why waste their time controlling peoples discharges when GC radfem TERFs can instead try to do feminist activism that non transphobic feminists do?, maybe GC radfem TERFs are the ones with the toilet fetish) 

No one can say, “But I want to be there,” and then demand the law force us for them. We make the rules for who can come into our house. Not the other way around.(so GC radfem TERFs houses are bathrooms and locker-rooms? No wonder they are Transphobic, GC radfem TERFs live in poverty  [i.e they live in bathrooms and locker-rooms] and living in poverty makes people more open to bigotry [like Transphobia])

This isn’t about us thinking that we’re better than other people (why would we possibly think that?). This is about us being safe and having our own spaces. We have a right to this. We have been oppressed by males for literally thousands of years. Let us alone.

For some things, there can't be a compromise. And why should men's gender dysphoria (if they even have it) be women's problem? Women aren't emotional support animals, and they shouldn't be expected to compromise away their own legal existence just because a minority of men will get hurt feelings if they don't.(I thought men were depraved and didn’t have feelings?)

I don't know, to me it seems that he's suggesting that instead of dancing around the matter by saying that we want men to include men who pretend to be women, what we should do is just be clear and say, "women's spaces are ours, for our safety, and the safety of men who pretend to be women is not our responsibility; they cannot have our spaces even if they won't be as safe otherwise."

But I'd probably have to read more of his tweets to be sure what he was going for... I tend to avoid giving much time to men's opinions on matters that primarily affect women, so I haven't read much of Blanchard beyond his initial classifications and observations about men who pretend to be women.

How are we femcels?! These idiots don’t realize that once we see the truth, many of us choose to have nothing to do with men. I keep crossing paths with men who cannot understand this concept (to be fair I understand and respect that concept). One guy actually told me that my sexism towards men would carryover and make it impossible for me to find a good female partner. I just laughed.

1) It's impossible for a woman to be the female equivalent of an incel. If a woman literally anywhere wants sex she can be having sex within a couple hours tops. A woman choosing to eschew men because men are disgusting and she has better things to do with her life is not the same as a man miserably desperate for sex

I have been trying to participate in online anarchist/leftists spaces and I am finding them overrun with men who belittle women's experiences. I am listening to them defending pedophiles because they like the "theory" they've written. 

The feminist forum on one of these websites is turning into "what I don't like about women". I am tired of men railroading women's spaces in leftist spaces. I'd be interested if anyone here was into politics or anarchy wanted to chat about our issues in these spaces and maybe strategize on how to deal with the overrun

Someterfy on twitter noted that you always hear of men secretly trying on their wives' knickers, never of them secretly doing most of the chores or nursing their aging mother in law...(men should do those things too so she has a point)

It always amazes me when gender identitarians scream "right wing bigot" at left wing feminists who reject genderism, when gender identity theory is 100% rooted in neoliberal capitalism & is wholly dependant on conservative regressive gender stereotypes (agree ,see my points above)

Gender identity ideology claims that subjective individual emotions & self perceptions, should take primacy over collective material reality (good as long as there is no hyper individualism happening). This focus on the 'self' as the main social unit is reflective of the atomisation & individualism which is core to neoliberalism (fair point).

Neoliberalism argues that the defining characteristic of human relations is economic & competitive - it redefines citizens as consumers & seeks to destroy collectivism (b/c it 'interferes' with 'the market'). Within this neoliberal capitalist worldview, all of culture becomes commodified; everything is for sale; collectivism is erased; individual desire is king; & every personal whim is gratified (as long as you can pay). Individual liberty & personal freedom is elevated above collective meaning, needs & interests.(reason number 234,754,97 that Neoliberalism sucks), To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher: "there is no such thing as society".

When there is no society, only individuals, & we elevate individual desire, freedom, meaning, feelings & identities over collective understanding (and that is bad how?), meanings & rights, we end up in the situation we currently have, where one persons subjective feelings are given pre-eminence over objective, collective, material reality (point taken, even though you are still misguided a bit on this).

Within the atomised, individualistic neoliberal society where everything is for sale, the self & our bodies become commodified (I agree and we must abolish neoliberalism along with the cisgender and male patriarchy to break free everyone from this). 

Thus, anyone can buy any identity they want - all they have to do is pay for it.(so I can pay money to buy the identity of the Pope or the King of Britain, and I thus can become recognized as the Pope or the King of Britain?, where do I go to do this? Walmart?, CVS?, Amazon?)

'Woman' becomes commodified & transforms from an objective social & biological class into a subjective identity available for purchase via the capitalistic 'healthcare' industry (eg. plastic surgeons), pharmaceutical companies, the 'beauty' industry, the fashion industry, etc (I understand this view but its a TERF talking point so its invalid)

The collective objective understanding & material reality of 'woman' becomes subsumed to it's neoliberal consumerist characteristics & to the individuals' desire, freedom, meaning & self identity.(no argument here, I won’t waste my time arguing ,maybe instead of trying to hate on Transgender people, you can focus on helping us Anarcha Feminists defeat Neoliberalism so you can fix the bigger picture here?)

There is nothing about gender identity theory that is left wing. Left wing = collectivist (COLLECTIVISM IN GENERAL SUCKS), materialist, atheist (atheism is morbid, depressing and hateful, it is not left wing either), class analysis, etc. The TRAs are neoliberal libertarian identitarians - the complete opposite of left wing (I agree with you there).

But they've grown up in neoliberal capitalist socieities, and are confusing "'iberalism within a neoliberal capitalist society' vs 'conservatism within neoliberal capitalist society', with 'socialism vs capitalism'. Neoliberalism has saturated culture to the point that it's forming the paradigm within which people think & undertstand themselves & the world.

Seems like this here (the growth of the Transgender movement and increased acceptance and visibility of Transgender women in particular in the late 2010s, early 2020s) more is in reaction to the MeToo movement. I think a lot of (cisgender biological) men were tolerating us (cisgender biological women) in public space, but accountability for rapes (due to the MeToo movement holding men accountable for rape) was where they (cisgender biological men) drew the line (leading to the growth of the Transgender movement and increased acceptance and visibility of Transgender women in particular in the late 2010s, 2020s)

(paraphrasing) A lot of women are so overwhelmed with sexual imagery now it has seeping negative impacts on men as it causes their confidence to dwindle due to them rightfully losing their bourgeois status (like with attractive women in porn being commodified, Liberal feminism etc) and they want to take back control by assuming a female identity).

(paraphrasing) Women have wrongfully been belittled for thousands of years but when there is even a smidge of it rightfully coming back on men they don’t think they have the ability to handle it. Just look at all of those “dumb dads” commercials, and sexy superheroes that are more super than their male counterparts at stuff. I just don’t think men can handle it.

If it's a backlash, I'd say it's to feminism in general. No man would want to legally be considered a woman if it meant second class status. "Rachel" Levine would still be Richard Levine if women were barred from positions of leadership.

But IMO the main driver of trans ideology is male perversion. AGPs get off on everyone pretending they are women, and they used "trans kids" to achieve it. That's also why this movement behaves so extremely: the reward isn't remedying a social ill, but "euphoria".

There is in fact overlap with failsons (of comfortable social background, but downward mobility) who think not working and taking drugs while posting about anarchism online is activism. That I think would be a comparable movement, although the damage they do usually stops at being a disappointment to their families.

Why do you use the terms “TIM” and “TIF” instead of “MtF” or “trans woman” and “FtM” or “trans man”?

Female and male refer to biological sex, which is a characteristic that cannot be changed in the human species, regardless of what hormones one takes or surgeries one undergoes. Since sex cannot be changed, if someone transitions, they are not transitioning into something other than their birth sex. A “transman” is still a female, and “TIF,” short for “Trans Identified Female,” denotes that while someone may be transgender, they have not ceased to be female (and vice versa for males).

Why do you not use the term “cisgendered” or “cis” here?

The word “cisgendered” is used by adherents of trans ideology to mean someone whose “gender identity” is “aligned with their birth sex,” or “anyone who is not transgendered.” However, these definitions are not synonymous. The ideology behind the term “cis” implies that everyone who is not transgender is “comfortable with their gender” and feels that they fit into their assigned gender, when this is not reflected in reality. Gender is a social status and social role, and its prescriptions are restrictive to both men and women. This study on gender identity in “normative” individuals found that:

36.6% of our [non-trans] subjects reported that they sometimes feel as the ‘other’ gender

63.7% reported that they sometimes wish to be the ‘other’ gender

49% did not always wear clothes ‘appropriate’ to their sex &

41.9% were sometimes discontent with their sexed body.

There is not a general sense of contentment and identifying with gender among supposedly “cisgendered” people.

Furthermore, to feminists, the assertion that all people naturally identify with gender, which is what we call sex roles and sex statuses, is sexist and naturalizes the oppression of women by men. In a patriarchy, sex statuses are organized as a hierarchy, which elevates men, and the attributes associated with men, over women and the attributes associated with women. 

Promoting the idea that women and men naturally identify with gendered constraints is opposed to feminism, which asserts that people do not naturally align with the oppressive, socially imposed hierarchy of patriarchy, but that we're socialized into conforming to it.

By calling a woman a “cis woman,” the speaker is implying that normal women naturally conform to the female sex role, and that any women who don't identify with an inherently sexist role are actually not women at all. It's defining women by sex roles, which is misogynistic and anti-feminist.

See this essay by Rebecca Reily-Cooper if you are interested in examining this topic further. Here is an excerpt:

I am not permitted to deny that I have a gender identity at all. But this is in itself oppressive. It makes false assertions about the subjective experience of many people – people like me who do not feel as if we have a deep, internal sense of our own gender, and whose primary experience of gender is as a coercive, externally imposed set of constraints, rather than an essential aspect of our personal identity. 

It forces us to define ourselves in ways we don’t accept (and, as I’m now learning, if we refuse to define ourselves in this way, this is attributed to bigotry and a lack of empathy for trans people, rather than a reasonable rejection of what being cis entails). 

If “cisgender” were a description of a medical condition, characterised by an absence of sex dysphoria, then I would accept that I am cis. But if cisgender is a gender identity, which it appears to be, then I am not cis, because I do not have a gender identity. I am a woman. But it’s not because deep down, I feel like one. Because deep down, I just feel like a person.


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