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Here are my thoughts on Dr Jordan Peterson

I enjoy Breadtuber Abigail Thorn’s dismantling of the political views of rightoid culture crusader Jordan Peterson and I agree with her points on Jordan Peterson in said video

JP certainly knows. To me he appears like a person who understand post modern thought just decent enough to think 'damnit there's something wrong with society here’ but he was so knee deep in his view of himself and society and the advantages in that that he jumped through countless hoops to reconcile the two. imo that's basically what 12 Steps and all his talks are about - how to maintain conservative values under threat by modernity informed by existential thought.

In other words, I believe he's basically just compensating.

Personally, I like some of Jordan Peterson’s talks on psychology and biblical lectures, but his talks are nothing mind-blowing and I'm not certain though that he deserves all the blowback he gets.

Jordan Peterson seems to wrongly believe that idpol/sjw rhetoric is the ‘harbinger of socialism’ when in reality idpol/sjw rhetoric is the final form of decadent and degenerating liberalism.

But he upis not against socialism. Peterson often speaks favorably about the Nordic ‘socialist’ model, and he is in favor of socialized medicine. His politics are closer to Bernie Sanders-esque than some would be willing to admit .Jordan is also a centrist lean Right Winger (Right Center which id between Center right and Right Wing)

Also Jordan Peterson was almost elected President of Alberta's NDP at 14 so he did have Bernie's views at least back then.

Jordan Peterson to me seems to intertwine the fair "take responsibility for your own life" stuff you'd find in any run of the mill self-help book with a type of vulgar Jungian conservatism. The self-help stuff seems useful for some people, but the vulgar Jungian conservatism is unneeded and not good

He might make a decent personal trainer at a gym

Jordan Peterson is also a hypocrite. His bedroom was shown once and...it was considerably less than neat (though maybe because he was moving?).

But if he gets incels and their ilk to get their life back on track and stop being hateful and evil, then that is a good silver lining 

Jordan Peterson might be looked at as a testament to the decline of western intellectualism, a true pseud. But tbh, his cult is worse than him by a very long shot, but he's still a hypocritical grifter and not as knowledgable about things outside of his clinical psychology, and even there he's made questionable statements informed by biases.

Make no mistake, the opposition to Peterson was first and foremost an opposition to his cult ,desperate to cling to any middle-aged guy who presents even a slight paternal vibe, public oratory skills, and air of intellectualism regardless of whether or not they actually possess those traits. His non-socio-political work is uninteresting at best and in the realm of at least appearing to be crack-pottery at worst.

His understanding of postmodern philosophy and Marxism is repugnantly superficial, and so his critiques of those two topics are pretty weak. However, I have enjoyed some of his lectures on religion and consciousness. Jordan Peterson’s debate/conversation with John Vervaeke was very good. 

The hate for JP is pretty disproportionate to anything he has said or done. A lot of his critics, like JP himself, have not exposed themselves to their opponent's thought with any depth or seriousness.

But “Cultural Marxism" (which Peterson uses and or implies) is a hogwash term, designed to be as misleading as possible while playing on archaic, 50-year-old political anxieties that not one person other than literal Boomers gives a darn about anymore. 

His insistence that what we're really fighting against is socialism is not only cringe analysis, but it isn't even convincing anymore.

So this is how come Jordan Peterson ultimately will never expand his grift beyond his relatively niche audience, because Peterson could be telling people the truth (that Capitalism is what has alienated us and what has generated all of these pathological conditions), but instead he is too busy reliving Cold War trauma.

Like a few things espoused by the moderate right wing, the sentiments and principles that Jordan Peterson expresses are pretty good for an individual to adhere to, but has absolutely no basis for the political economy. 

The "cultural marxists" hiding under Peterson’s bed are really the cultural and ideological heirs of the Puritans and Victorians that he lionizes so dearly. He completely misses the boat on the Me Too movement, due to him ignoring the fact that the Me Too movement is obvious Taylorism and his solution for it is , unsurprisingly yet wrongly, more industrial discipline.

He points out that the obvious that in general SJW's are cringe, negative and off beat , so he's not exactly a genius for pointing out that obvious point, but everyone should clean their darn rooms

Jordan Peterson also got owned in his debate with Zizek(I agreed with Zizek’s points in that debate). A professional niche media psychologist who can make $$$ off of the inadequacy and infertility of middle class whites who know they cannot be as successful as their baby doomer boomer parents. There is zero more potent and anxiety then that of those people who know they are about to lose something.

I see why people fall of their grift,  especially the downward mobile middle class. The point is it’s too easy to blame women for your inability to make your bed or other culture war b.s as opposed to actually analyzing the structure which is in place. The middle class has a susceptibility to this due to the fact that they have entirely bought into the system. Jordan Peterson is merely a symptom of the material decay of the middle class

A lot of this stuff by Jordan Peterson is some sort of Protestant ethic.

You see this many times with evangelical infowarriors types. They loathe Silicon Valley leaders because they censor them and in their naive minds are trying to obliterate their ways of life. But, they’re rich and successful, and so the saying goes, they must be virtuous.

How do they rationalize this? They got rich not by God’s grace, but by the other route to power, by consorting with SATAN.

This is sort of thing occurs when you cart Blanche embrace all hierarchies. If you believe that all heirarchies are just, but at the same time you see degenerate liberals, unfeminine women, etc being successful, it does not compute. They only solution is to moralize them personally, but not the hierarchy itself as they should be doing instead

Ultimately Jordan Peterson is actually and ironically a Post modernist himself. His hyper individualism within an hierarchical order is contradictory. 

He believes in pre determination of order but he also believes that individuals through their will can break pre determination. Even if they do it “unjustly”. 

It is essentially post modern Calvinism. Where “it is predetermined through your inner will of where you will be however via escapades of “self help” he pitches you can regain your place in the order that was taken from you by your trans professor.

So why can the “order” be just and non contradictory if these femboys, LGBTQ and weak will persons hold power positions. Jordan Peterson places the blame on a sinister shadowy Marxist plot, so his entire ideology is a cop out . It is a central thesis that is a completely massive contradiction

I am not really a fan of his self-help narrative, but Peterson has minimal knowledge about philosophy and he exposes himself each time he tries to opine on it. 

He strikes me as haughty with a messiah complex who very actively likes to be a lauded public intellectual and thought guru despite him not having the wherewithal to do so. He needs to just stick to his discipline as opposed to him trying to refute Karl Marx when he very clearly has never read him.

Though I believe in my heart that he gets too much hate from Liberal 2.0ers though. He’s a Right center niche anti idpol/anti SJW, self help guru, and a boring conservative but a mostly harmless one.

I never got upset about Jordan Peterson either. Even though the contours of his viewpoints he expresses were different, I got a similar vibe from him and the "IDW" that I got with the New Atheist movement in the 2000s (decade). A lot of moral drudgery and complaining about how nihilism is deteriorating Western civilization etc. And I believe that appealing to the same types of people even though in this case there was a gloss of cultural Christianity added to the mix.

It's a bit interesting that he's Canadian, similar to how some of these New Atheist sorts were British. 

I think the increasing audience in the US for Jordan Peterson after 45 got junta’d in is for people who reject the Liberal 2.0 and the Left and it's in their own class interest to do so, yet they basically don't subscribe to the vulgar chauvinism of Donald Trump's movement. Peterson is this sophisticated, intellectual type and even though he has a right-wing message, that message is going to be something that appeals to a different type of crowd than the MAGA crowd

Though Jordan Peterson identifies as a libertarian and he rightfully criticizes conservatives too (though sadly not as much).

The context IdPol, no matter if you're Left, Right or non idpol/anti idpol Liberal 2.0, he's a positive force due to Peterson mightily criticizing IdPol and underlining actions on actual ideas and not on IdPol.
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He never really deserved much attention, but the trans clique made Peterson a superstar after he argued against Canadian laws that enforced people's preferred pronouns a few years ago

But of course, 15 minutes of fame did Jordan Peterson in. Cleaning your room and the like is important, his book and television appearances have a bit of validity. however as an intellectual, he should research Marxism before he ignorantly labels it as a global conspiracy to take his and others ‘freedom away’ etc  (‘muh freedom reeeee’) .

Peterson is usually pretty on the mark at times more than I want to admit. His Cathy Newman interview was a hoot.

Jordan Peterson spewed lame ignorant nonsense though. His views on climate change are hilariously ignorant

His underlying beliefs are very conservative/authoritarian, he's sometimes spelled out the consequence of his 'clean your room and put your own house in order before you…' pop-psychology which is that only individuals who are successful in multiple domains (educated, successful business, family, etc.) are ‘qualified’ to change the broader social order

Jordan Peterson is not a genius or revolutionary, but I'm a huge "get your act together" person and that's what I like most about him. I may prefer to think of the world as big groups of people and class interests, but I don't in this context at least. I like to think I think of what I can do in my life to make myself feel less crazy.

All the other stuff I care about less. I certainly think Peterson gets a lot more vitriol than he deserves. I see it as because he chose to engage with the alt-right crowd and offer them advice instead of repudiating them

The “You Can't Win" podcast, which is on the left-wing or left leaning side of things, but the title of it means that there are no shortcuts to dealing with our problems, is something I appreciate.

You really must adore the hyper rationalist types who are on the side of Science and Reason™, except for when they're not. That is the majority of left-neoliberals like ones who bash Jordan Peterson

The "Clean your room" "Be confident (crab posture)" "Be kind to those who won't return the favor (pet the cat)" are all very very simple actions that can be taken by any person, and they do directly improve your life. The issue that some people have with Jordan Peterson is that he sells these ideas initially to people who have never been taught them and then he wrongly uses that as an opening for "liberal socialist marxist antifa democrats are the reason why everything sucks" b.s. 

There's basically nothing wrong at all with the advice itself per say, but it's the followup however that's the main issue to put it mildly

Of course, the self help part of his rhetoric is virtually a dime a dozen in the genre, and he only snowballed recognition for it after he got himself involved in the front of popular culture war issues with his stupid cultural marxism lobster routine. Go figure though that the people who are drawn to that nonsense need another person to tell them to clean their room and to go outside more than once a year.

Jordan Peterson sells the exact same product that Robin DeAngelo sold: the illusion of control. 

Instead of them admitting that problems are systemic and that collective action and coordination are required to resolve them, they both sell this placating, patronizing message that it's on the individual to solve such things. It's Liberalism 2.0 at its core. Peterson says bootstraps while DeAngelo says stop being white. It is Coca Cola vs. Pepsi.

Depending on your political agenda it is either rather convenient, or outright absurd that we must name 'idpol' for one of these products (Robin DeAngelo’s views), while the other product (Jordan Peterson’s work) is defended by some anti idpol and anti essentialist Marxist tm redditors

And the capitalist class push both of those narratives ad nauseum. Now obviously they would do that, it makes too much sense that media platforms that are run by capitalists would definitely love Jordan Peterson and others in his mold. We wouldn’t want those pesky workers to realize that they could use one another to further their position, now would we? /s

The truth that others think this connection is 'dumb and intentional' is paradoxly dumb and intentional.

I also want to point out: no matter how many searches that I make for videos about socialism, or capitalism critiques, the search algorithm insists that I watch Jordan Peterson's video on how the wealth inequality is due to personal failures, and not because that system is broken.

I highly doubt that Youtube would recommend to the masses of lobsters and temporarily unflattered millionaires an true and honest depiction of Marxian economics, the labor theory of value, or anything else that is legit socialist in nature

Calling Jordan Peterson an idiot is itself a variation of idpol.

The more common point that Jordan Peterson makes is even more insidious: that in his view inequality is inevitable and only the pareto principle, and that inequality will always happen regardless of what anybody does about it.



The best part of this is when Peterson claims inequality isn't bad because... its unequal.... but that inequality is bad because it destabilizes society (i.e threatens the elites...).

I don't think Capitalism is uniquely the cause of inequality 100 percent, but it most certainly is a massive large cause of it, and we should not just concede and accept inequality because it "must" be inevitable and absolutely not only because it 'destabilizes society'.

The pareto principle doesn’t claim that inequality is inevitable. It only claims a super narrow narrative: that in the majority of cases about 80 percent of consequences come from 20 percent of causes. That is a very different concept

It does not follow that we cannot create an economic system that distributes things in a more even and fair manner. Just because we have up to this point far not succeeded does not mean that we need to just give up and accept economic inequality

I think that Jordan Peterson would agree with the above paragraph. He basically said the exact thing concerning female representation in the workplace in his Cathy Newman interview.

Peterson had some nonsense about the pareto principle previously when in relation to economics. He said it Joe Rogan some some nonsense about it being natural and that it's been like that since the dawn of time. 
But the thing is, piketty, graeber and Hudson have been refuting these claims for over ten years. Keep in mind that even if it was true, it doesn't mean it that it leads to good outcomes for society.

In general, all of the IDW are sadly ardently capitalistic, they are really older Destiny clones with various personal social opinions, like Sam Harris' and Ben Shapiro's obvious pro Zionism and anti-Islam, JBP's anti trans sentiment, Brett Weinstein being the ‘alternative Bill Nye’

The self help industry only exists because we haven't built a society which provides actual help to other people. 

If we actually helped out each other (instead of mostly wasting time in b.s jobs) then there wouldn't be a need for self help. Self help isn't the source of the problem, if anything self help is just yet another way for successful people to feel less guilty/believe that they are successful because in their minds, doing the right thing.

It is amusing really that Peterson is critiqued for his first rule only to go on to claim that if you follow that rule then it will probably help you. The greatest way to criticize Jordan Peterson's book is to convince people to read it and then when they tell you "wow, I could barely understand that, it was so hard to follow" you say: of course! but it isn't because you're not intelligent, it is because that book is like attempting to swim in treacle; it’s shallow, nonsensical and repetitive. All anyone has to do is read that book and be reassured that it is hard to follow because it's got junk in it in a lot of places

But I do like Jordan Peterson.

I do believe that he’s overstayed his welcome, I do believe that he’s gone awry, though his earlier stuff really did much work moving some people out of their very conservative, very religious nature, the psychology stuff helps them learn about themselves, and really its noble that someone (even if its Jordan Peterson) is attempting to help disenfranchised young men.

There’s clearly valid critiques of Jordan Peterson, his ideology, but in the grand scheme of things, I think he’s at worst more times than not harmless and at best not far out from being a positive.

But since I support some aspects of Marxism, I have a difficult time squaring this with Peterson’s constant and very harsh false information about Marxism. But a person , in this case Jordan Peterson can be wrong about some things (like Marxism) and correct about some things here and there which he is (at minimum due to the law of averages)

That’s why Jordan Peterson is so insidious as he fuses boilerplate psychological self help things that one can get from non-stupid psychology professors, with batshit lobster hierarchies and cultural criticism that is tepid

However, Peterson may do “boilerplate psychological self help stuff” as other self-help gurus paint his work aw. Possibly that label by them just as batshit. It appears to be the view of people who were afforded several psychology classes as part of a four year degree package. A two year community college education provides a singular psych class that covers barely more than what you might find on the respective Wikipedia article (I took and passed a Psych class in community college in Fall 2004)

Jordan Peterson’s schtick is ubiquitous. It’s accessible and is delivered in bite size pieces on so many platforms, college degree not necessary. Peterson is like the Walmart of the psychology field. “That’s why it’s so insidious.” Well that’s all I can access and afford.

Again, Peterson has got his own hang ups, I will happily admit that. The passable and the authenticity of the message that he conveys has been drowned out by the culture war, IDW mess for some time now. But I still after all of that think there is some assemblage of good (for lack of a better word) in that mess even if you have to be an uneducated sort to appreciate it.

So he some well advice, but that advice lends itself to be truisms that you can hear from any older person, and it u fortunately it comes with the same bigotry too. He has nothing actually unique to offer, in fact I am more wary of him now after he spent many years telling us “don’t take the easy way out” frequently, while he himself went to Russia to to take the easy way out of his addiction to benzo.

Not even mentioning Jordan Petersons controversial, naive, unpc hot takes on women and well everything, he’s a hypocrite. He is not evil, but i can’t bring myself to see his appeal

Some people like me who have my kind of takes on Jordan Peterson took some psych classes that were taught at community college by clinicians and truly got a bunch of insight and advice from that, especially in Abnormal Psych, and the professors stuck to their profession and on top of that gave life lessons that they themselves had learned from all of their clinical experience, without the culture war things that Jordan Peterson gets into.

That was the story of how Jordan Peterson got his start, his anti-SJW standoff confrontation video and his lectures that were posted on Youtube and on other websites at around the same time. Then he took off from there and never looked back. I saw both of those things as they got big, so in my view I saw the trick being played, as a professor he gave off a wise vibe and he appeared to be affable to young people so how can he be wrong about the culture war stuff too?

Genuinely good self help books give you the tools to improve the reader’s life instead of those books giving the reader easy instant answers. They are not intended to be an instant fix to societal or economic problems that the readers of those self help books see around them.

The same applies to things like meditation too. Self help along with meditation, journaling and so on aren’t useless things of themselves. Do I believe there is a problem with these things being marketed as fixes for every damn issue? Somewhat. Are they horrible when applied in correct way? No.

The books are all low hanging fruit even though Peterson only “ got rich” after a lot of failures by him supposedly teaching others how to get rich themselves

These self help people oftentimes got rich by telling other people to get rich which is clearly not reproducible on a mass scale

The rich person poor person paternal Jordan Peterson actually called Joe Biden (a Capitalist to the right of Josh Hawley on the economy) a ‘Socialist’ (wtf?) So you know that judging by that statement aline, Jordan Peterson has officially lost his freaking mind. 

Joe Biden is as much of a ‘Socialist’ as the National ‘Socialist’ Party of Germany in the 1930s and early to mid 1940s were ‘Socialist’ (in that Biden isn’t Socialist at all)

Jordan Peterson’s style of "Self-Help" is also bad because it protects Capitalism 

I echo these JBP subredditors about the seriously toxic enoughpetersonspam subredditors

I echo Natalie (Contrapoints) criticisms of Jordan Peterson, see here for more


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