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Molly Frances: My non-binary gender identity was a cope 

Less interesting people want to be interesting but it sucks that they try so hard for that

15 years ago, she would have been just a tomboy. There is just way too much fetishization of identity these days. They are facing extinction because of our train craze, girls are not given freedom to just be a tomboy, they are pressured either to be non binary or Trans. This is another negative aspect of Neoliberalism

I miss the days when the youth were obsessed with jock, punk, goth, etc type of subculture id groups as opposed to self diagnosing themselves with a plethora of genders and neurodivergences.

I remember the days when someone’s identity was totally defined by what bands they liked

Oddly, Gen Z doesn't actually have any of theit own unique music subcultures, and they just keep recycling Millennial and Gen X subcultures. (Goth, Heavy Metal, Raver, Hip Hop, RnB, Hipster, Metro, Mod, Skater/grunge, Emo, Doofer etc)

Though, not creative, Jreg, vaporwavr,  Hyperpop, mumble rap/Soundcloud rap is I guess can be seen as GenZ’s contribution to music subcultures imho.

However our society has been listening to variants of rock , pop and soul since the 1950s though.

Gen Z is more into clothes than music.

I wish there really was a Train Craze (I was a model train enthusiast in the late 1980s)

That's what idpol is in a nutshell. People from mostly white suburbs, and in middle/upper class backgrounds who have had very non eventful, nondescript upbringings and so little stories to tell, have found a movement on the internet that has all of a sudden sprung up, that gets them to feel edgy and cool 

It's a concept that makes them feel excited and a dutiful in their daily lives. When they go on Twitter and say "white people bad yata yata yata" or "Translesbian Latinx Sikh Lives Matter", it makes them feel like they are important, and like they're part of a special something thing.

A few major corporations,  mainstream news and politicians pretending to embrace this movement notwithstanding.

Everyone wants to be the romantic hero.

Some people wrongly twist stuff like this to say things “I always wondered how many people were in reality just doing these sorts of acts for a-little attention. I'm positive there are people who authentically identify as the opposite gender, but ones who do so in bad faith just ruin it for the real ones”.

The issue is that various such people aren't knowingly doing it merely for attention or knowingly in bad faith. They're doing these things it for attention maybe, but they do it with a real belief that they're being true and honest to themselves. 

The culture in which they are surrounded in nudges them toward such identities with active encouragement of them along with less enthusiasm for them being one of the bland old cis/straight persons. 

It's easy to believe something about yourself if that belief makes you fit in better or reach a higher status within your culture. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in and of itself

As opposed to only having a gender unconforming fashion sense, the truth that someone likes womens clothes even though they are a guy and vice versa is being strung out to define some unique extra mega special thing. 

And people who do not have anything that interesting about themselves are latching onto it due to the fact that it makes them the hero protagonist in their life. "I've got this mega special thing in me that no one truly understands." Except absolutely everyone understands that you are just one of those people who want to be different because you like any and all the attention even if it happens to be negative.

With what truly makes a person "non-binary" being as vague and abstract as it is along with non descript some people might just as well say every cliché high school clique is a unique identity.

Being non-binary is magical l good for them

"Once I fully divorced myself from left-wing identitarianism, my non-binary identity looked like a flimsy cope for the suffering of being human. Whatever poetry or magic I thought I’d found in it now looked nauseatingly empty and disconnected from reality. 

I see my traipse through non-binary identity in retrospect as a sad, embarrassing fetishization of my own disarray in a last-ditch effort to find stability in an alienated world. The world is bleak. It always has been, but right now it has a particular strain of surreal, disjointed bleakness that has lent itself to obsessive self-fixation in a scrambled search for security in words that perfectly capture some essence of ourselves. One avenue for this is in gender, something so individual yet so compulsorily social; it’s private enough to suit an alienated world, but public enough to solicit connection and mirroring even from strangers."

Lots of stuff to unpack here, she describes this rather clearly what radlib identitarianism actually feels like on a visceral plane when you're in the core attempting to take it all seriously and authenically.

What a different identifying and being empowered by a non hot button issue and see it was only empty, self absorbed entitlement. Cast out along another less useful, self important fad that has no lasting or earth shattering impact on anything, she's a Karen that still does not know herself, so fragile. 

She literally announces publicly that she's a fragile willed grifter, and not one person should hear her or take her too seriously because she doesn’t have answers, she only wants a platform circle arguments. 

Like how to move past these type of things after this self impacted crisis is interestingly amusing and head scratching. Clock out of work on Saturday, as an angry, non binary, person with negative energy, clock in on Monday as depressed, scorned, remorseful person. First world Self non accountability and externalizing is so mad funny, if it wasn’t so tragic and sad people need to be internalize non binary . Who am I to judge?

People being confused about their identity and place in the world as a young man/young woman is natural, some people turn to softer drugs instead of acknowledging their gender dysphoria; 

The realization that our world basically doesn't care about us, and it annoys everyone when they constantly find excuses to grab the spotlight and declare themselves greater than them. 

The dynamic between being a drama queen, observing everyone else suck their teeth at that self-aggrandizement, and believing that their pique is due to hidden bigotry is behind most idpol. (The balance being totalitarian people maybe with mental problems seeking an excuse to declare themselves the Pinnacle and true and great judge of humanity.)

It's okay to be insignificant. The faster people embrace that type of thinking the less pain and suffering they will have in the long run.

I feel that this is a big reason why psychedelic trips have a positive outcome for depression and anxiety. It helps you learn to let go of things and to just enjoy the ride. It dissolves and reduces the ego.

This idpol stuff is all 100 percent ego trips.

Psychonaut idpol critique collab. Acid is a foe of idpol.

I do love a good redemption arc. There must be more of these type of stories like Molly Frances’s story to ease the blackpill.

More from Molly Frances “I felt powerful and hot after I cut off all my hair in senior year and got that classic 2010s queer-coded-but-also-Hitler-Youth-how-the-fuck-did-that-crossover-happen haircut (which I had done in Germany, no less, and later realized that may have explained the barber’s dismay and attempt to talk me out of the haircut more than what I originally assumed, which was his “obvious sexism”

“I didn’t want to be an internet witch, I wanted to be in grad school on my way to a successful job with a stable paycheck”

This is why I have issues with idpol

Gender yuppies?: Non-binary man mad that other non-binary man benefitted from his normalization of non-binary men (buzzfeed.com)

"I had to fight my entire life to get to the place where I could wear a dress to the Oscars."

The struggle is clear and present.

Sorry but Matt Stone and Trey Parker went to the 2000 Oscars in a dress . They were technically the true trailblazers

“My most pronounced struggle is the battle throughout my whole life for acceptance but then another person gains my acceptance and gets more praise for doing the thing I have been doing. So when I must wear Spanx at the Oscars under my ballgown, I have issues with the struggle too. They're pretty much equal, struggle-wise”. /s

I guess if your dress doesn't fit, it's a real struggle to put it on.

They are mad at this non binary person now that the edge has worn off.

Tim Dillon has a nice write up on this. "What happened to the gays"

This non binary person has real privilege.

I do like this non binary person’s egoism since I am part Egoist

David Bowie was doing androgyny decades ago. This non binary person was not the “first one” to do this with the astroturfing, blip in history career to this point.

Little Richard was also doing it before David Bowie too. And I'm confident there was many more before post World War II mass media-pop culture. But egoism is good

So WWII soldiers were also pretty much trailblazers in this sense. Those WWII soldiers were Nazi femboys (just like Nick Fuentas)

Cross dressing was a big part of pre war vaudeville, they just didn't make believe that putting a dress on really changed their gender. That was due to archaic concepts of gender and sex back then 

Moreover Prince also wore dresses to shows. The men in drag in pop culture has been a pretty recognized reality for a very long time now.

The entirety of the glam rock genre (which started in the early 1970s) was also like this.

Gender bending is older than they think, it existed for a long time in like in the punk rock/pop punk and even the goth scenes.

Billy Porter constantly gives me an impression that Billy is just being kind of pompously nitpicky and the  ‘wants to win every argument’ type in general, to be honest. Like the type of person to legit think he’s some sort of awesome pioneer, and us mere mortals can go get f*cked.

On pose I tend not to like Ryan Murphy’s catty schtick very much.

It’s alright if you can push aside that they’re changing around history and then claiming every drag queen is transgender.

But really insulting to the real pioneers of drag. They took what was a very edgy form of art at the time and turned it into this super pc sob story where all drag queens want sexual reconstruction surgery.

But that is to be expected, imho. Tons of just plain b.s meter rising stories hovering around about gay history.

Beside that however, in the areas of music, cinematography, and acting/theater it’s fairly good. On the same level with the rest of the work for FX.

It’s a satisfactory campy watch, but as far as authenticity, you will be in for an annoying watch if you have any knowledge about the actual history

Isn’t this more about fashion rather than identities? Like, men who wear garments not in relation to gender-norms, but instead of NB-identifying men?

Though it would appear that fashion is identity, now, which is cool in my book by the way

Basically all of the things that you do/wear/consume is taken as a type of signifier of your beliefs or part of your "identity" in this current climate. The result of over-politicization imho.

Aesthetics as an ideology here

Medontthinks either one of these people refer to themselves as non-binary. They only like to wear dresses and skirts sometimes and as a Radfem I proud of them for defying gender roles like that.

I ponder that it was suspect that Billy Porter said something like 'All Styles had to do was be white to get on the cover of Vogue.' 

From my brief exposure to him he appears like to be the kind of person whom nothing is ever enough but I still thought this was a odd thing to say when we are measurably huddling through a moment of over-correction in representation. 

There have been an equal amount of minorities to whites on Vogue’s cover that year and blacks in particular have been solidly represented in the past few or so years. 

This person is likely cynically using criticism of the more notorious Styles to attempt and hop-scotch his own star but even then it seems an unperceptive thing to say.

This bring me back to a few years ago when the OscarsSoWhite hashtag was trending, and people really crunched the numbers and found out that black people are more than represented equally in both the nominations and the awards.

Does this fall into the same boat as "I had to go 100,000 dollars in debt to receive my BA and you should too!" ???

This Billy Porter Oscar drama is like something that a right winger would make as a parody of the American Left.

This OscarPortergate situation is cringe and strange, but it's nowhere near as mind numbingly oddball and infuriating as Hillary's DNC song.


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