Exh grdgtefyt








Feminism is the movement to liberate women from patriarchy.

"Women do not decide at some point in adulthood that they would like other people to understand them to be women, because being a woman is not an ‘identity.’ Women’s experience does not resemble that of men who adopt the ‘gender identity’ of being female or being women in any respect. The idea of ‘gender identity’ disappears biology and all the experiences that those with female biology have of being reared in a caste system based on sex." - Sheila Jeffreys, Gender Hurts

This is my first post here, so I would like to apologize in advance if I offend anyone here and I have absolutely no problem with people choosing to identify in any way they wish. What I do have a problem with is that many LGBT and trans rights activists love to push the idea that transgender women are the same as biological women. Newsflash: no, they are absolutely not. Trans women can't get pregnant. Trans women can't menstruate. They don't have a vagina. They don't have ovaries. They don't have a cervix. They don't have a uterus. They don't have XX chromosomes. These are all primary gender characteristics associated with women on a scientific level. I'm sure I will get called transphobic for saying this, but it is the scientific truth. I am not saying that trans issues are not legitimate, but what I am saying is that they shouldn't always encroach themselves into women's spaces. What brought this on for me is somewhere between people like Jessica Yaniv, Gamestop Tiffany, and others feeling entitled to enter women's spaces just because they say they are trans. Furthermore, the pad brand, Always, has started becoming more gender inclusive to appease trans women when they biologically cannot menstruate.

his is just what men have always done to control women: call us a "bitch" so we feel like shit about ourselves, and worry deeply that we made someone unhappy. All this nonsense from perverted, pedophilic men calling us TERF and transphobe is just "bitch" for modern times.

LET. IT. GO. We don't have to keep these jerks happy, and we REALLY don't have to care about the labels they give us. I have seen many posts here from women who are seriously worried because someone called them a transphobe. My response to that is this: yes, I am afraid of TIMs. I am fearful of any man who wants to be in the women's bathroom or locker room. It used to be a given that a man who did that was a pervert, and absolutely nothing has changed except now they come into our spaces with womanface on. I am fearful for my very life over this. Of course I am fucking phobic right now!

I really think some TiMs refer to themselves as "biological females" to try and get a rise out of the women critiquing queer theory. I genuinely believe this is the motivation and not because it affirms their identity. It's meant to be antagonistic but really it comes across as pathetic. Empty barrel makes the most noise eh? I suffered through the recent C*ntrapoints video because apparently I'm a masochist (also thanks for peaking me Contra!) and at one point he says "because I'm a biological female" and I was like yeah you definitely did that because you're being a little shit not because you think it's true.

I've only been here for a few months, but what continues to astound me is the pure raging narcissism. My partner is friends with a TiM on facebook and even he pointed out how ridiculous the TiMs most recent post was. He made an entire status update or whatever you call (not on facebook myself) stating that he was looking back at old photos of himself pre-transitioning and even though he thought he was ugly he was actually cute! And now he's even cuter wearing dresses and long hair! And it's like you can tell all they do, all day, every day, is think about themselves and how their existence is so "revolutionary" (another actual quote from my BF's TiM friend). I can't even imagine the vitriol a woman would face if she posted about how cute she used to be and how much cuter she is now. Because while the TiM gets to be "brave and gorgeous" and woman would just be called conceited and bitchy.

Once you realize how nonsensical and misogynistic this all is, there's no going back

–]feministdreamer 30 points 7 hours ago 

Trans women are men. You can say that here. That's what we are all saying and we are called hateful bigots for acknowledging biological fact. They are men. They have male bodies. They are not women and never can be because being a woman is a material reality, not a feeling.


[–]t3rribleTammy 55 points 9 hours ago 

They.are.men. Saying that they are not the same as “biological women” lends credence to the idea that men can become women in the first place. And all their narcissistic mantrums are going to do is peak people and swing the pendulum back. Hard.


[–]hoIds_up_spork 26 points 6 hours ago 

When we need a PSA to point out that men are not women 

Trantrums! 😂
[–]RetlaOgeI want to get off Mr Ma'am's 💀Wild🤢Ride💀 17 points 6 hours ago 
Always, has started becoming more gender inclusive to appease trans women when they biologically cannot menstruate.
I think it was actually "trans men" (TIFs) doing that because the Venus Symbol is synonymous with 'Female'.

Anyway, don't worry about "offending" anybody, it's not some safe-space where you have to appease everybody's ridiculous ideas.

I have absolutely no problem with people choosing to identify in any way they wish.
This is something you should get over, hopefully you'll figure out why for yourself, and it looks like you're actually half way there already. You understand that it's ridiculous for a Male to "identify" as a Female - the same logic carries over to a Man "identifying" as a Woman, or a 40 year old "identifying" as a 6 year old, or a white guy "identifying" as black.

Some things are just an immutable part of our existence that we can't "identify" out of, no matter how hard we try - the idea that you're supposed to "respect" everybody's made-up identities, no matter how absurd, is unproductive and impractical at best.
[–]foundoutaug2019 14 points 6 hours ago* 
Yup... currently in bed with period pains and bleeding into a sanitary towel. No man, aka trans "woman" will ever, ever, ever, ever know what this part of womanhood feels like.
[–]StupidHappyPancakes 5 points 4 hours ago 
Some of them buy kits online to fake menstruation to get off on it. What's funny is that the kits I've seen have all been pretty pricey for just simulating one "period," whereas many actual women would pay good money to get rid of their periods.
[–]RedTalonRedWater [score hidden] 27 minutes ago 
They also use frozen V8 tomato juice rammed up their nether regions.

/oh god, internet, what have you done to me
[–]rightThoughtsrightA lesbians before thesbians dyke 7 points 4 hours ago 
You don't have to worry about being called transphobic around these parts. Stating biological reality is not even transphobic anyway. It's all a bunch of propaganda for who knows what.

I will boycott every single menstrual product that uses inclusive (women erasing) language. If it gets bad enough I'll have to see how I can make my own. Maybe I'll actually save money that way.
[–]montanagraey 6 points 5 hours ago 
Welcome to the club.
[–]Ex_Machina_1 [score hidden] 25 minutes ago 
The worse is when they appeal to intersex conditions, and also when they say "well you never truly know a person's chromosomes!".

Yup, I’m post-menopausal, never had kids. Just not in the cards for me. But I sure as hell don’t clutch at my pearls if someone points out that men can’t get pregnant and women can.

JFC people are so goddamn sensitive.
[–]MarkTwainiac 3 points 3 hours ago 
When a woman with the whole suite of female reproductive organs can't get pregnant (and she wants to), it's only a medical issue if she's in a very particular phase of her life. This phase is often referred to as "the childbearing years" or "her reproductive prime." Alternatively, women and girls during the time of life when pregnancy is possible are often said to be "of childbearing age."

Most women can't get pregnant past 50 or so because of menopause. I live in a county in a state in the USA where the average life is 83.5. The actuaries who were consulted when I got divorced determined my own life expectancy would be 84-5, though insurance and financial planning experts have recently revised it to more than 90.

I began menstruating at 11, so this means that for nearly 50 of my 90 expected years living on earth as a female I will have been without the capacity to get pregnant. And looking at only the period [sic] of my life since I started menstruating, it still means that I will live the exact same length of time - 40 years - in my post-menarche lifetime without the ability to get pregnant as with that ability. This is the natural course of events. Not a medical issue.


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