
Showing posts from November, 2022

Exh hyrghytygrf Molly Frances: My non-binary gender identity was a cope  Less interesting people want to be interesting but it sucks that they try so hard for that 15 years ago, she would have been just a tomboy. There is just way too much fetishization of identity these days. They are facing extinction because of our train craze, girls are not given freedom to just be a tomboy, they are pressured either to be non binary or Trans. This is another negative aspect of Neoliberalism I miss the days when the youth were obsessed with jock, punk, goth, etc type of subculture id groups as opposed to self diagnosing themselves with a plethora of genders and neurodivergences. I remember the days when someone’s identity was totally defined by what bands they liked Oddly, Gen Z doesn't actually have any of theit own unique music subcultures, and they just keep recycling Millennial and Gen X subcultures. (Goth, Hea

Exh efhtfnytrff Although Lily Alexandre explains it much better than I could ever summarise it, her answer to the question is that “two people can be women for entirely different and non-overlapping reasons”. She doesn’t feel fully satisfied by the idea that one is a woman because one identifies as such because it’s a circular definition and also excludes women who don’t feel strongly about their gender or have never thought about it in those terms (and I suspect the way she says this might be controversial to some, but I really encourage watching the whole video to see her point). However she also finds that any prescriptive definition of “woman” is equally meaningless and is likely to exclude people who are women. The whole point of the question is to control women, and we should be critical of anyone who asks  0:04 Can you provide a definition for the word woman? 0:09 Can I provide a definition? No. I can't. What are women? You’

Exh 555334 0:02 / 0:15 Transcript 0:00 This video is sponsored by  Curiosity Stream and Nebula. Gender and sex have been at the centre of  public discourse for a few decades now.   0:08 And by the public, I mean gay people,  and by discourse, I mean arguing. If you, like me, were unfortunate  enough to be assigned online at birth,   0:16 you’ve probably heard the mantra repeated  that “gender and sex are different”.   That sex is your body, and gender is your brain;  or sex is your body, and gender is the way you   0:27 interact with the world. The catchphrase comes  from a good place: it's an easy way to explain   why gender identity matters, and why we should  respect trans people. But honestly… I’m kind   0:37 of over it. This take has been a fixture of  the queer discourse for over a decade now,   0:42 and I'm not gonna lie, it’s getting  stale. Like okay, sure, they’re different. AZEALIA BANKS: So... wha